Part 11: Mother Called

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I wake up the next morning in my room to Gaege waking me up and handing me my buzzing phone. "Who is it?" I ask. He shrugs as I take my phone and sit up.

It was my mom.

Gaege lays his head on my lap, I answer and play with his hair with my other hand. "Hey, Mom."

Mom: Hey, how are you, sweetie?

Me: I'm great. Uh, I have gained more than 1 million subs on twitch, thanks to some new friends I've met and I got a boyfriend.

Mom: Wow! That's good and a boyfriend!? What's his name? About time you had a man to add some structure to your life. How did...

Me: Mom! Really?

Mom: I'm sorry. It's just been a while since we've talked and since you know you've been back to dating.

Me: I know Mom but his name is Gaege, he lives in Florida too, has his own place and is honestly so amazing.

Gaege looks up at me smiling as he takes my hand kissing it, making me smile.

Mom: All amazing to hear. Are you bring him to the dinner?

Me: You're still having it even after last year?

Mom: Of course! We are family baby. Please bring him

Me: Why? So that whore I am forced to call an aunt, can sleep with him too? No way!

Mom: Don't talk about your aunt like that.

Her voice raises at my voice rasing and at the way I refered to my aunt.

Me: She isn't shit to me. Not after what she did.

Mom: They were drunk!

Me: So that gave her the right to sleep with my boyfriend? This one is mine!

Mom: Look, how about no alcohol.

Me: No mom.

Mom: Come on, please. I got Leo to even come down.

Me: Leo!? How?(Lavender's brother, Leo)

Mom: I called his girlfriend and asked him to come down. He agreed to take off work to come to dinner that night but he leaves the next day to go back home.

Me: Alright, I'll go. Only for Leo. She even looks at me some type way or that tramp daughter of her, I'm ripping out her throat.

Mom: They are family Lavender. Just try and get along with them. For me

I groan with annoyance.

Me: Whatever mom. I'll text you when I come up for an answer about the Gaege situation.

Mom: Okay baby. I love you and see you soon.

Me: Bye

I end the call and throw my phone to the end of the bed. Gaege looks up at me. "You okay?" I cross my arms still kind of annoyed. "Yeah, I guess." He sits up and opens his arms for me. I sit on his lap, he wraps his arms around me and I do the same, calming under his touch. "She seems nice." He jokes as I lean up and give him a kiss. "Yeah, she is. But also a pain in my ass." He nods laughing. "I like hearing you call me your boyfriend and get all protective. It's cute." I smile. "I bet you do." I laugh as he kisses me again. "So, what did you guys talk about?" I lay my head against his chest. "I have to go to a family dinner we have once every year in Canada at my mom's. I stay for about three depending on how dinner goes. My mom wanted to know if I am going and if I am going to be bring you this year." He nods. "Well, are you?" He asks and I think about it.

My family was well like any dysfunctional family. My aunt is a married gold digger and whore. She marries men who have money and cheats on them with other hot men who suit her sex needs. Like my ex, I brought to dinner two years ago. My younger brother never really went to the dinners cause he was in college, he has his life together and is the only person I get along with well. My cousin, my aunt's daughter, is just like her mother and will sleep with any man willing to give her a chance. She enjoys thinking she is better than anyone in our family when she isn't. While my other cousin, her brother, constantly picks fights with people for fun and enjoys revealing secrets to start family drama. My dad, he's a work- a-holic and he tries to keep the peace along with my mom but fails for the most part. Then theirs my aunt's husband, the man is like 70 and he never has clue what is going on what so ever.

"I don't know yet. My family is complicated." I say simply not really know what else to say. "Come on. I get to meet your family." He tries to persuade with me making me cross my arms. "Stop being stubborn." I stick my tongue out like a child and he pouts. "Please." I look away from him as if I wasn't listening to him. "Please, princess." I bite back a smile. "Please, please, please."

I couldn't even try to ignore him, he was too cute and lovable to even pretend to be mad at.

"Fine. I'll take you. Just know if they put a hand on you, I'm killing them." He nods giving me a kiss. "I don't need them when I have you. Your sexy ass is all I need." I laugh and give him another kiss. "I love you." He smiles. "I love you too." I smile.

The rest of the day we hung out with the boys, played video games, and ordered food.

"You caught them doing it?" Mully asks I told the story of my tramp aunt sleeping with my ex at the family dinner. I nod taking a bit of my pizza. "Yeah and it was in my mom's room." Grant's eyes open wide as he was chewing and I couldn't help but laugh. "How did you react." Josh ask. "Almost fought my aunt but my dad stopped me. I left his ass in Canada and came back home early. Trashed his apartment and went back to my house." Gaege shakes his head laughing. "Juicy you better not break her heart." Eddie says. "I already know that. I love her too much for that." Gabby awes and smiles as I look at her. "Shut it." I joke and finish eating. "When do you leave?" Gabby asks changing the subject. "I leave when you guys do." They nod. "So Friday?" Mully asks trying to be sure making us laugh. "Yes, Mully. I leave Friday." He nods. "Is Gaege going?" Sam asks. "Yeah, I am bringing him with me." Josh rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, are you sure you want to?" He ask and I nod. "I am only staying for the night for my mom. We are going to be in a hotel and no alcohol this time." He nods. We finish eating and throw away our trash.

I head to my room, grabbing my phone and I hear a knock. "I got it." Grant says a little after and I start heading downstairs. I look up from my phone to see who was at the door, I end up dropping it to the floor out of shock and run into his arms at full speed. He catches me and spins me around holding me tightly. "Hey big sis." He puts me down. "What are you doing here?" I ask all smiley. "I came down to spend a couple night to see you before we headed over to mom's." He smiles.

A thin raven hair girl stands at the doorway, when our eyes meet she gives a smiles and wave. "Is she?" He turns around look at the women behind him, he holds his arm out, and she links arms with him as he hold her close. "Yeah, this is Katie, my girlfriend." I smile and shake her hand. "He talks about you a lot." I smile, I nudge for them to follow me as Sam closes the door. "These are all my friends, we met in VR and have been friends ever since." They smile and give waves. Gaege stands up shaking my brother hand. "This is Gaege." He smiles. "Her boyfriend." Mully yells out. He looks at me with a raised brow. "Boyfriend?" I smile. "She hasn't told me about that yet." Leo and Gaege laugh. They all introduce themselves.

"So, how long have you been with my sister?" He says look to me and Gaege. "Three months." He smiles. "How did mom convince you to come down this year?" I ask him and he shruggs. "I graduated college and just work now. So when mom called to ask me like she does every year." We laugh. "I said yes cause I have to see the family again even if I don't really want to." I nod. "Heard Aunt Isbella is going to be there. You still gonna go?" He asks with caution. I nod. "I'm bring Gaege too." He nods. "Bold as always." I flip him off as we all laugh. We talk some more and play some games before we all head to our places.

We're just friendsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن