Part 3: Night at the Beach

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The water felt a little too cold for my liking but it was still hot outside for beinymg late so I didn't really care. Gaege was way agead if me and wanted to go out deeper but I am short so I kept telling him no.

"I'll hold you. Come on, you're the one who wanted to play in the water." I roll my eyes and  give in. "Fine." He smiles in victory as he comes up to me. I wrap my arms around him, feeling chest pushed up against my own, his hands grab the back on my thighs sending chills to my core and jump wrapping my legs around his waist.

I blush lightly but try to think nothing of how I was being held by or how close we were.

He slowly walks us deeper into the water as I hug him tighter feeling the cold waves splash over me. "It's cold." I complain as I try to get the water from the waves aftermath in my mouth. He giggles holding me tightly to him gaining some of his warmth. "Stop being a cry baby." I roll my eyes as he laughs at me. I push him back softly, he gets the ideas and lets me go. I go under the water swimming around him as I raise back up moving the hair from my face as I kick my feet still to stay above water. Gaege was just staring at me. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head as he grabs my waist pulling me closer to him. "You just look very pretty." I blush.

God I just wanted to kiss the hell out of him.

I push him back from him again, splash him cause a splashing war as we play around some more. We pretend to drown each other, splash each other and swam around talking. "I'm getting cold." I say. So we walk back to land, I feel his eyes on my ass as I walk making me snap around to face him and his eyes met mine. "My eyes are up here lover boy." I wink and turn back around jogging the small way back to our stuff. He softly bites his lip and I go grab my towel wrapping around me. "Wanna go get a drink?" He asks pointing to the small tiki bar not to far and I shrug. "Bailey!" I yell for her as she was near the water building sandcastle with Nate and she looks up. "I'm getting drink." I mouth and as if I was right next to her that she could hear me. She nods going back to her small kingdom. Gaege grabs my hand, sliding his wallet into his pocket of his trunks as we walk the bars.

We take a seat on the barstools next to each other, the bartender walks up to us and smiles. "What can I get the cute couple today?" We look at each other and burst out into a small laugh. "Two shots of Brandy." I look at Gaege and he nods before looking at the bartender. "Brandy, got it." The bartender walks going to get the shots glasses, he comes back placing them down, then grabs the bottle and pours our shots. When he done, he walks to attend to another guy who comes up and we take them raising them up. "To meeting the most beautiful woman." I laugh. "To meeting the most sweetest man." We clink our glasses downing the shot and both laugh at each other reactions.

The guy who bartender previously went to attend to had came up behind without me moticing and rest his hand on my lower waist. I jump a little at this contact and I quickly turn to look at him. "Hey beautiful." I roll my eye pushing his hand off of me. "Keep your hand off of me, if you want to keep it." I threaten. He leans closer to my ear. "Oh come on princess. Let me buy you a drink." His voice is slurred and raspy. Gaege stands up from his stool. "Dude she saying no. Take the hit and beat it." He steps up to Gaege making me stand up. "Who the fuck asked you. She can talk for herself."

They were about the same height but Gaege seemed to be a bit taller and they both towered my small figure.

"Gaege, let's just go." I say and Gaege pays for the drinks. As we walked away, the guy grabs a handful of my ass making Gaege push him back when I yelp from surprise. "Yo what the fuck!" Gaege yells at him.

At this point, I was fed up with dude's shit, I grab the guys hair from the back slamming it against the counter as his nose began to bleed and I grabbed Gaege's arm leading back to where we were by the beach.

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