Part 8: 1 Mill party part 1

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So today was the day that we decided to all come to my house to celebrate the achievement of 1 Million on twitch. We were planning on drinking and hanging out. I was excited and nervous. I know what are you thinking, why nervous? I've been together with Gaege around three months now and like I said I am going to go public with the boy and media. Having to go public was one of the scariest thing but I didn't want to hide what I felt for him. Plus, it was going to happen eventually sooner than later.

I go grab my phone that was in the kitchen calling Gaege. He answers after about the fifth ring and I prop my camera. He was in his studio probably editing or killing time. "Hey lover boy." He laughs at my random nickname. "Hey beautiful. Congratulations on 1 Million!" I smile. "Thank you. I miss you already. Can you come over early and help me set up a little." He laughs and smiles. "Okay, I'll be over in a little."

I blow up some balloons, by hand, letting them cover the floor of the living room. I grab the bag of chips from my pantry, leaving them on the kitchen counter. Knowing the boys if we got hungry we'd just order pizza or doordash. Gaege got me the 1 and M balloons so he was probably bringing them and Eddie offered to grab drinks and liquor on his way here. I mentally check it off in my head. I got the streamers up with the help of a stool, got out some confetti twister poppers and lay them on the pool table.

Pool table? Yeah, I have one instead of a dinning room table cause I've never met people who actually eat in their dining room.

Then, put out the cup, plates and things we needed to eat with on the table in the kitchen.

I hear a knock on my door, I got excited and open the door quickly. I wrap my arms around him tightly giving him a hug. "Baby!" He smiled almost falling back but he catches his balance and hugs me back. I pull back quickly and laugh. "I'm sorry. I got a little too exited." I laugh with him and tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear. "It's cool. I missed you too." I nudge for him to come in, he enters, I close the door behind him while he puts the 1 and M balloon with the other balloons.

We head upstairs since I still needed to change and get ready. "So whatcha need help with?" He says throwing himself on to my bed as I go through my dresser. "I set up most things actually before you got here." I giggle. There was a knock on the door, he goes to answer it as I got dressed. I changed into a red spaghetti strapped top with black jeans and socks cause I was home, having no point of wearing shoes.

I head downstairs and it was Grant. "Ahhhh! Narrator!" I yell hugging him and he hugs back basically crushing me. "Lavender! Congratulations!" I smile. We all head to the living room, Grant and Gaege play fortnite together while I just layed my head in Gaege's lap and I text the group chat.

Me: Narrator and Juicy are here. How far away are you!?

Eddie: Almost there. Like 20 minutes.

Josh: I'm with Mully and we just got in our Uber from the airport.

Me: Just be here before 7. Okay???

Eddie: Got it! Is it cool if I brought Gabby???🤔

Me: That's fine! I always wanted to meet her. Drive safe guys.💙

"Wanna take a shot?" I ask looking at Narrator to Gaege. "Yeah." Narrator say and Gaege shrugs. I get up as I lead them to the kitchen, I open the cabinet grabbing three shot glass and go into a fridge. "Eddie is bringing more liquor and I only have Cîroc peach. Is that fine?" I pull out the bottle and start pouring my shot. "That's fine." Gaege says as Narrator nods in agreement and I pour them there shot. They take their shot as we all raise it in the air. "To A million bitches!" I say with excitement and happiness. "A million." They say in unison and we all take the shot, and laugh at each other reacrions.

I take the shot glasses and them out for later use. Narrator excused himself to go the bathroom. "It's down the hall and the left door." He nods. "Got it." I feel hands wrap around my waist. "What are you doing?" I ask as Gaege puts his head on my shoulder. "Hugging my girlfriend." He smirks laying a kiss on my shoulder.

God this man made me just want to melt, he was just so damn cute. Shit call me a simp, I don't care. I was for him.

I turn around wrapping my arms around his neck. I lean up giving him a peck kiss. "Boop." I say but he kisses me and immediately I kiss back as we slowly started to make out.

His lips feeling so much better than I'd ever imagine. Our kissing was not rushed, it was slowly full of what felt of bliss

But we tore apart from each other quickly out of instinct as we hearing the sink run after the toilet was flushed. Gaege stood on the other end of kitchen from me with a smirked played on his face. Narrator walks back in and I try to use my hair to cover up my blush as I laughed. "What's so funny?" I look up. "Oh nothing." Gaege looks at me as my eyes met his and he shoots me a wink. "Yo Narrator up for another round of Fortnite?" He nods and they walk out the kitchen. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding as my face returns to it orginal color. "That man will be the death of me." I mumble with a giggle.

This was going to be an interesting night.

I hear another knock at the door and my phone buzzes.

Group Chat

I laugh. "I got it." I yell to them as I open the door not that they were gonna get it either way cause of the game. "Aye!" Josh says hugging me. "Hi Joshy Boy." He walks in and Mully hugs me. "About time." I smack the back of his head as we walked in. Gaege comes Naurto running from the living room followed by Narrator. "What the fuck!?" Mully says as we laugh. I see Eddie's car pull in my driveway. "EDDIE!" I yell as he gets out the car, I was socks but didn't care and ran over to him hugging him.

Eddie and I were practically family now. He always called me his sister and he was my brother.

"Gabby!" I hug her too. "Hi, it's so nice to meet you!" I says as she hugs me back. "Finally another girl to talk shit about the boys too." She laughs as Eddie grabs a wine and spirits bag from his back seat and hands it to me.

This was the first time Gabby and I were meeting. She seemed lovely.

"I got the liquor!" Eddie yells as we all walk in. The whole room cheers and shake my head laughing. " Fucking alcoholics." I mumble. Everyone greeted each other, sharing hugs, handshakes and hi. Eddie pulls up a foldable chair near the couch since it was taken by Grant, Mully and Josh. Gaege also sat on a chair near the couch on the other side making enough room for everyone to play and talk. Gabby goes and sit on his lap, of course.

"First drinks, what are we having?" I had asked everyone and when I got all the answers I went to the kitchen with Wine and spirits bag to pour all the drinks. "Alright, white claw, Narrator." He nods as I hand him his can. "Mully, E&J." He nodded as I handed him his cup. "Eddie, fireball." I hand him his cup as he takes a sip. "Gabby wanted water cause she has to drive Eddie the hotel. But will have a shot with later, no debate." She nods laughing. "Josh, also E&J and Gaege with another white claw." I had to go back and forth from the kitchen to give everyone their drinks considering it was too much to carry and I poured myself some Brandy. "Damn, what are you a secret bartender? Remembering all the drinks and being a server." Mully comments and I flip him off. "Or maybe I have a good memory, Mullen." I add emphasis on his name as I tease him.

When everyone was satisfied, I finally took a seat and sit on Gaege's lap as he wraps his arms around my waist.

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