Part 21: Fort Night

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"I'm grabbing something from the car." I yell from the bottom of the stairs, I grab Gaege's car key from the hook, since I didn't have my car, and leave out the door as tears brimmed my eyes.

Don't cry! Don't cry, you're stronger than this. Plus, you don't know if he's actually cheating.

I hop in his car after unlocking, I lean over, opening the glove department and began taking out everything. Looking for anything that could show he has cheated.

It was so out of character for me to be doing this, I should just respect his privacy and just ask him but he could just easily lie to me, I needed proof, something, anything!

Nothing in the glove department. Good!

I check the middle console as well, emptying it out and found something weird stuck to the side of the compartment. A folded piece of paper, I take it out and I carefully unfold it as I read it.

'I miss you Gaege' 888-6273-****

A tear slips down my face. No!

I pull out my phone and call the number. "Hi, this is Amy speaking. Who's this?" She sounded around her twenties. "Hi, by any chance do you know a guy named Gaege Gibson?" I hear hum as she thinks. "Yeah, he's tall, tattoos and does youtube. Really hot." I hold back tears as the feeling of hurt and lose washes over me. "Yup." I say with slight anger laced in my voice. "Why, who's this?" She asks. I let out a breath, running my hand in my hair to try and calm down as I was filling with anxiety. "I'm his girlfriend!" I say in a cocky tone. "Oh, his girlfriend! Lavender, right? Well this is embarrassing." She says which pissed me off more. "What do you mean? What have you been doing with my boyfriend?" I couldn't ever see myself to say this and it pain me that I had to. "Isn't obvious sweetheart, you'll never be his number one. Has it not hit you yet? Or you need me to unblock you and send it again?" I snap at this point not giving a shit and pissed off, I hang up.

I was so angry and hurt. What was I supposed to do? The man I loved with all my heart cheated on me with some whore.

I call up Grant. He was a smart and wise guy, he'd know how to help me. "Hiiiiiii Lavender." I hear fant voices in the back so I am guessing he's still on discord. "Are you done recording?" I ask trying not to sound so sad or as if I been crying. "Uh yeah, just with them on disord. Why, what's up?" He ask and I smile lightly.

Narrator is such an amazing dude, he's kind, funny and lovable. Literally what anyone could ask for as a person, such a great listener and never judges.

"Can you mute the boys, I don't want them to know." I hear shuffling of movement along with silence before hearing him again. "Done. You're not pregnant or something.?" I laugh a little. "No. God, never. Too young." He chuckles. "What's up?" He asks again and I sigh sinking into the seat of the car. "So this random number texted me basically telling me Gaege cheated on my while in Vegas. I didn't know what to do cause so I went through Gaege's car where I found this number of a some girl. I called it and asked about him. She basically admitted to being the person who texted me and said her and Gaege are something." He hums thinking about all I just ranted out to him. "I mean Juicy is a good guy and loves you deeply. I don't think he would do that, especially to you." I sigh again. "What if he did Grant? What am I supposed to do, play it off?" I started to cry again, tears leaking down my cheeks and I lay my head against the steering wheel. "You are just scared and paranoid Lavy. She could be a troll or some crazed fan. Look breath with me." I nod wiping my tears. He breaths in, I breath in with him and we hold for four secondsbefore letting it out. He does this four more times with me to ensure I calm down, which helped me a lot. "Anyone would be lucky to have you, don't destroy that cause of a random girl." I nod again. My words getting trapped in my throat. "Thank you." I sob out. "Any time. Now stop crying and go." He hangs up after telling me he loved me, I put my phone down and wiping off all my tears, and get out the car.

I walk back in, I hang the keys on the hook, throwing my phone on the couch, and walk to the kitchen.

"Hey bubby." Gaege greets me looking up from his phone as he was leaning on the counter making me smile. "Wait, were you crying?" He puts his phone down, coming up to and hugs me tightly. "What's wrong?" I hug him back just as tight. "Someone told me you cheated on me while in Vegas cause I kissed that girl. Then I found a number in your car so I called it and they said that you hooked up last about a week ago." I manage to say without bursting into tears, he strokes my hair and kisses my head. "I would never cheat on you. You were drunk and having fun I am not going to take that from you or hold it against you." He pulls back, looking me in my eyes and I could help but to tear up. "I have not and will never cheat on you, okay." I nod as my words get trapped in my throat again and he wipes away my stray tears. "I love you so so so so much." I run back into his arms. "I love you too. I'm just scared." I muffled into his chest. "Let me see that number."

We walk to the living room, I grab my phone from the couch and I pull up the number. He takes my phone looking at it and the messages. "Fuck." He groans. "What?" I asked. "My ex found you." I raise a brow with confusion. "What? How?" I ask. "I don't know." He hands my phone back and I see the numbers are now blocked. "She was the first fan I dated ever, everything was so beautiful at first but then she became crazy." I groan. "This is literally a plot line of a some weird wattpad story. (Lmao) The crazy ex comes back trying to get back with you. Has she done this before?" He shakes his head no. "Don't worry about it baby. Don't let some crazy bitch ruin the amazing thing we can have now." I shrug as he takes me back into his arms. He picks me up, I wrap my legs around his waist, a small yelp from surprise leaves my lips along with giggles as he carries me back up to his room.

"Come we have fort to build." He throws me playfully on the bed, I grab a pillow hitting him with it and he takes the pillow from me hitting me back. "Grab some blankets and pillows and meet me downstairs." He directs picking up some sheet from the bed and heading downstairs. I nod, grabbing what he asked for on the bed as well.

We manage to finish our fort to our liking in less than 20 minutes. We are using his laptop to watch tv, there was plenty of space for both of us and we even hung some fairy lights, it was perfect.

"I'm going to grab the snacks from the kitchen." I say and he nods laying down. "Grab my phone too." I nod, getting up heading to the kitchen, I grab the snack and Gaege's phone when it buzz.

Amy: Come over. We gotta talk arrangements.5s

I roll my eyes taking the phone and snacks back to Gaege's. "Random question. Do you have her blocked? Amy?" He nods as he on his computer pulling up something to watch and I nod.

Weird. He lied and he has her under her name. Why? Is he really cheating?

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