
"You dipshit," Eddie groaned and looked at his partner. "You were supposed to put the drug in the sparkling water, not the fucking beer. Pregnant women can't drink alcohol."

"How the hell do I know? They look the same." Lou argues in his defense.

"You colorblind motherfucker!" Eddie spat at him.

These fucker are arguing in front of me and committing such crimes. They weren't after Persephone. Effie and Claire were their targets. But the question is, why them?

They have nothing to do with the Order.

While the two idiots are fighting and giving me the biggest headache, I look at the two girls as they pull the lever; their screams keep getting more painful. It's also why they shut them up because one person messed up. They almost look worn out, almost lifeless from the electrical shock. They are lucky they don't smell like rotten flesh.

"Not that both of you shut up. Answer me this. Why?" I ask them, but they look tired like they have run for days. "Why those girls?"

Lou spoke up when Frankie couldn't answer, "It was our boss' order."


That perverted child-lover motherfucker.

Given the detail from Kendall, these two lackeys work under Sully, one of the Order Executives.

I know a man like Sully would do shit like this. Aim his attention on beautiful objects, especially people, male or female. Sully has a disturbing taste in little boys. Girls, not so much, but he will take them if they have a unique beauty. He collects them like rare dolls. When he first saw me, he had that disgusting, hungry look, and I felt chills running down my spine. He wanted me. He wanted me to be his collectibles.

Thinking about the bastard is making me sick. I need some answers before I send them to their death. "How does your boss know Effie and Claire and their pregnancy?"

"Have you heard of a man who they called Satan?" Lou says in a gulp.

"You are talking about Odin King?" Lou nods his head as I lift a brow. "Everybody knows about him and what kind of man he is. Why are you bringing him up?"

Odin King has a reputation for being the most significant crime lord from London and is well known to have connections - and friends worldwide. He makes enemies who hate him and wants him gone. Of course, he makes enemies with the Order. He and Eva are equally matched when it comes to power. Eva wants to take over with her army, while Odin wants peace and a place where his wife and son can rest without bloodshed.

"Our boss informed us that one of his granddaughters is pregnant with twins, and her cousin is pregnant with a girl. Our boss wants us to drug them and bring them back, not only because they are related to Odin King but want to piss him off by selling his grandkids. But they aren't the only ones we had kidnapped."

"Lou! Shut up!"

My blood is boiling until it is at its peak. My hatred of the Order has reached its limit. They messed up my life, but they ruined other people and will ruin those close to me. They will take those precious to him to make Odin King go on a rampage.

His family.

"Your boss got a lot of nerve going after Odin King's family," I say, withholding my eagerness to beat the crap out of these two. "Your plan backfired because I was the one who drank the tampered beer. Also, you messed with the wrong person who works with Odin King."

Frankie and Lou look at each other with wide eyes in shock. But they should know who I am judging by the dirty look on me at the BBQ. But they were cautious since they claimed they had not seen me before.

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