Chapter 78

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I barely finish changing into clean jeans and a simple dark green t-shirt when Jacob notifies me to report to his office. My heart is racing, my eyes ache to just close for one second but I can't afford to. I redo my hair on the way there, walking across the forest- which had been cleared away at the entrance of the base. When I nearly reach the door a passing agent with shoulder length brown hair bumps into me and I give her a small glare before entering the base and making my way to Jacob's office.

He stands behind his desk, glaring at a file in his hands when I enter. He snaps the file shut and looks up at me, his teasing manner from this morning disappeared. He looks at me, almost regretfully, but not quite.

"The vehicle transporting Johnny Barlow was attacked," he says. I make a slightly exasperated head shake.

"Mediocre," I say.

"Will you take care of this mess? He has to still be in Stonegate somewhere. They had barely injected him with Evolution before it was ambushed, so you have less then an hour before his invisibility begins to work," he says. I nod once.

"I'll take care of it. I have some ideas as to where he might go, even if he were invisible," I say. He nods and opens the file again, looking down at it.

"Keep an eye out for Dawson, as well. He probably got himself killed," he says without looking up. I walk out and pass Jacob's errand girl on the way to the elevator.

"Agent Knight," she calls, before holding out a large, dark duffle bag. "Here is that delivery that the General ordered for you." I remove it from her hands and step into the elevator. I glance at the buttons, stopping my hand in midair above the ground floor. I glance down at the lower levels where I know the most recent group of Deviants are placed. That is where the floors are no longer numbered but alphabetized with a zero before them. 0C. That's where they are. I look at my watch, wondering whose turn it is to be drug down the hall to have their blood tested to discover their abilities. Kate? Clint? Irene? Not Amee. It isn't her time to be taken down the hall yet. I had requested to be there when she was interrogated. But it will be soon.

I push the ground floor button. My stomach twists so awful that I know I'm not going to make it too somewhere secluded. A strong wind passes over me, making it difficult to breath, making the vile in my stomach worse. The change in temperature is drastic, especially because I teleport outside of my building before hurling.

Shaking, my stomach growling, I stop away from the building, wiping my mouth. I look up to the top story, at my windows. I can't go in there right now. I can't face either of them right now, just because I know Jesse is telling Johnny everything and I'm betraying one more person.


Short chapter I know. Actually so short that I don't really know what to say. But it was needed.


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