Chapter 30

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Every night is a success, to some extent. After all, I'm going through the college faster than I ever have before. But the lack of red X's is showing and it's extremely frustrating. If I don't find a Deviant tonight, I might just kill someone. So, I teleport into the next bedroom with new determination as well as a new Evolution Vaccine kit.

Usually, my eyes can adjust fairly well in the darkness, but with the mesh cover over my face it takes an extra second. I'm not sure who's dorm room I'm in but I can tell by how large the figures are in the beds that it's men.

I quietly approach the bed to the left, which, if it were mine and Amee's dorm, it'd be the bed I sleep in. As I approach the bed, I recognize the student, one that's less popular and isn't seen at parties very often. I silently ready the kit before carefully pricking the student's arm. Not having given him a sedative before he fell asleep, this process needs to be carried out with a lot more caution. Instead of a syringe to eject a small drop of blood, I penetrate the skin with a small sewing needle and wait for a drop of blood to appear before carefully using the dish to swipe it off the student's arm. There have already been multiple times I was grateful for my ability when I came across an extra light sleeper. I then drop a single drop from a dropper full of the Evolution Vaccine onto the blood. The chances of the test being inconclusive are higher than I'd like, but it's the best I can do. I want to be out of this damn college and away from these people that I find myself becoming fond of by next month.

I stare at it as it refuses to mix. I roll my eyes, refraining a curse that's on my lips. I remove a new needle and clear dish. I silently shift to the next bed. This person is turned towards the wall, which adds a new challenge for me. I carefully prick the person's fore arm but am met with strong resistance. The needle snaps in half, ricocheting off some piece of furniture and onto the floor.

I freeze, my heart racing as the person shifts towards me, but too intrigued to teleport away. My heart drops, my stomach churns, my breath gone. I recognize all students, but this student in particular.

Clint lies before me, still asleep, but more intimidating than ever. He intrigued me from the start; his silent manner, his golden-brown eyes, and the fact that no one seems to know what happened to his parents and he's never spoken of them. His past is a mystery, but it just got more mysterious. Never has a needle broken before.

When I'm sure that he won't wake, I slowly kneel next to his bed again, getting a new needle. My throat becomes dry as I carefully press the point of the needle to his arm where less nerves will get irritated by it.

I pull the needle away, afraid that I'll break it again. Impenetrable skin? Or enhanced strength? I've heard of both, but have yet to come across one. Until now.

I take a deep shuttering breath as I grab the Evolution dropper. I hold my breath again as I slowly drip a few drops onto the crook of his elbow. Not the best place to poke a needle when the person isn't sedated but it is one of the softer areas of the skin.

Once his skin is decently damp with the Evolution, I hold the needle above his skin. Why? When you already knew she was a Deviant? I shake Desmond's words from my head, but my hand becomes less steady. With an infuriating shaky hand, I penetrate his otherwise impenetrable skin.

Too deep.

I remove it quickly and a breeze passes over me right as I see him suddenly shift in his sleep.

I land in my car, breathing heavily, my heart slamming against my chest. I slam my head against the steering wheel, angry at myself. I feel weaker and weaker every time I take one of these guys' test. Why? It's never been like this before.

I slam my fist in the side of the steering wheel, seeming unable to catch my breath. I look down at my hands, one holds the whole Vaccine kit, the other bald into a fist aside from my two fingers, which still clutch at the bloody needle. Maybe I can still do the test with the blood on the needle, but the blood isn't even enough to make a drop. Why?! You already know he's a Deviant!

I take another shuttering breath. I reach over and unroll my window. I hold my arm out and hold the needle over the edge of the window. Let it go. Just let it go!

I drop the needle. There. It's too late. I can't take the test now, it's contaminated. My stomach churns, but I'm not sure from what. I feel as if I'm betraying Jacob. But I feel an immense sense of pride. Desmond would be proud. If it came down to point, whose loyalty would I betrayed? Desmond's or Jacob's?

As I step from my vehicle to walk back to my dorm, a terrible, incredibly frightening thought comes to my mind. It's not a question of if you're going to leave him. It's a question of when.


So this chapter I had actually written after I already wrote the next five and one forth chapters 😅🙃😳

If ya'll can find out a better time for this to be- anytime after ch 33 but before ch 36 🤣- I'd be immensely grateful 😅

But what did you guys think?!?! Is Raevon going places or is she going places ??

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