Chapter 77

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It's as if glass is being dug under my arm, every bump in the road is a new wave of pain, but I know my arm must've been popped back into my shoulder because they cuffed my hands behind my back. A black cloth back covers my vision and I'm beginning to ache from the long drive. I'm not sure where they are taking me, but it must be morning by now. I haven't asked them any questions, partly because I already know the basics, and partly because I have a feeling, they wouldn't answer me anyway. Was Chase caught as well? He seems to be the only one that I can think of that would actually be able to do something, even minor. There's also Kate, but she's in as much danger as me. Or more so. Would she even bother trying to find me? My heart aches at the thought. If I could just talk to her... Why didn't I call her when I had the chance? Because of my stupid pride, I may not be able to ever make things better between us.

"Approaching Stonegate now," a rough voice says to my right. What the hell? They are taking me back to Stonegate? Is that because this is where I had first found Chase online? Immediately after the announcement is made, I hear multiple clicks of guns and my muscles tense.

"It's time," someone says. I stifle a groan. The person to my right shoves my sleeve up. This would make nine, including when they had first shot at me.

"Could you possibly do it on the other arm?" I ask, still feeling the dried blood that was left uncared for on my right arm from the last seven times the injected me with whatever is taking my ability away. I am ignored. Brutally. The guy shoves the needle into my arm and roughly yanks it back out. I clench my jaw, refusing to let myself make any noise of pain but my muscles still tense.

We drive on for another few minutes, the entire vehicle being as silent as it has been since they cuffed me. I feel the person to my left shift slightly. Then the vehicle hits something so large that it causes my to nearly fly out of my seat. It tilts towards the front right tire and a loud screeching can be heard. Multiple curses are said up at the front of the vehicle. Hands grip both of my elbows, the needle punctures stinging.

"What the hell was that?" A voice shouts right near me.

"We must've blown a tire, sir," a guy replies.

"Don't be an idiot. These vehicles don't blow tires," the same angry voice says.

"Would you like me to assign a repair crew, sir?"

"No. No one step out of this vehicle. I'll notify Dawson to scan the area." There is a moment of silence. A long one. It seems to last forever.

"Sir, I... think I spotted Dawson. He's approaching the back door of the vehicle," the guy from up front says. Not a second after there is pounding on the back door of the vehicle.

"It's Dawson! The area's clear!" A muffled shout says from outside the vehicle. It's quiet for a second before I hear the click of the back door opening.

"That's not-" a voice starts but a loud thud of metal against metal sounds and I hear a quiet hiss of steam and something hits my foot. "Fire!" The voice yells. Two guns to my left go off, and immediately all the men start coughing and gagging on the air, even me. The tight grips on my arms force me onto my feet. They shove me forward, but I'm suddenly knocked back by a large body. Both hands lose their grip on me and I fall onto my wounded arm, letting out a groan, but I still can't see a damn thing that's going on. Someone falls next to me, nearly on top of me. I feel hands grip my jacket, but these hands don't force me to my feet. They just grip onto my jacket, not even hurting me, when I suddenly feel a small breeze pass over me.

Light leaks through the cloth on my head, and instead of the smooth metal floor of the vehicle, I feel forest floor. The cloth is yanked off my head and my eyes take too long to adjust to the brightness. The dark figure that stands before me vanishes before my eyes can focus. I sit up, the trees and boulders turn to blurs after only a few feet. I hear noise, guns going off and shouts, far off to my right.

I stand, looking around. I'm not sure what part of Stonegate I am in but all I would need is to get a hold of a phone and call someone. Maybe Kate because she would be able to hide in a crowd much better than me, especially right now with my ability gone. It'll be difficult without my glasses, but I can make it, if I leave quickly.

I turn from the noise and begin to carefully but quickly make my way through the forest, trying to get as far from the vehicle as possible, but I don't get far before I hear running feet behind me.

"Johnny!" A female's voice whispers to me. I turn, recognizing it. May Eve suddenly appears before me, but she looks different somehow. It's her eyes, which are a vivid green instead of the soft blue that I remember.

"May Eve?" I ask, just to make sure I'm not imagining thing.

"If only," the figure next to her says with a gruff brogue, his voice lined with resentment. As he steps closer to me, I see that it's Jesse. With his accent, I knew it was either Jesse or Shad.

"What the hell are you guys doing here? How did you find me?" I ask.

"Later," May Eve says, "we have to go. Backup will be coming." She reaches out, gently touching my arm and I see her other arm reach out for Jesse, but he makes a move to avoid her, which shocks me.

"Forget it," he growls quietly. May Eve doesn't say anything but turns to me.

"You'll feel a strong wind, Johnny," she whispers to me, "but don't worry about it." Not even a second later, I feel exactly as she said. A strong wind ruffles my hair and clothes, but it only lasts for a few seconds before I no longer stand in the forest, but a spacious apartment that I've never seen before. A second later, a large figure appears in front of me. Jesse.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask as May Eve releases my arm and walks away. "Where are we?" I ask.

"I'll explain everything in a while," Jesse says, stepping next to me. "Do you have something to get these cuffs off him?" He says to May Eve in a demanding voice. Being so far, I can't read the look she gives him as she glances over her shoulder at us, but she doesn't say anything as she disappears behind a blurry wall.

"What's up with you two?" I ask. He shakes his head, and a few seconds later, May Eve makes a reappearance. She's able to free my hands, picking the locks on the cuffs. I gently massage my arm, feeling if there might be anything wrong.

"What happened?" She asks.

"I think it popped out of it's shoulder for a second back in Wyoming," I say, trying not to bombard them with questions about the people that had attacked me. She helps me remove my jacket and I feel her light touch against my elbow where the most recent needle puncture still bleeds. Jesse sees it to.

"I can only imagine how the others are," he growls at her.

"Others? What others?" I ask. Neither of them answers.

"There is a medicine cabinet in the bathroom that can clean these up before they get infected and cloths for slings for your arm," May Eve says in a neutral voice. "I have to go. Jacob will be notifying me of the attack." Jesse ignores her and I'm about to ask another question before she disappears, leaving a black spot in her wake.


Was this some good action for ya'll? I'm not sure how I feel about it but was it intense enough?

Can someone hand my a knife? Because I need to cut the tension between Jesse and Raevon 🤣🤣

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