Chapter 35

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What would I do? Where would I go? Deviants aren't free. They are all targets. I'd be the largest most wanted target out there. Desmond would be right up there with me. I couldn't do that to him. He has a family. He has friends. He has a normal life. If I were to tell him what were at stake, I know what he would say. Do it. Just thinking about it makes me want to punch him. He hasn't seen how rogues are targeted. Them and everyone they ever associated with who isn't out to kill them has to basically got into hiding. Everyone has a getaway bag. But no one's bag includes a large family of eight.

After vomiting, the chilly air seems even worse. Leaning against a tree, I only now register what I am hearing. A car door open. Muffled noise. Incoherent mumbling. A car door closing.

I lift my head up and look towards my vehicle a short distance away. A woman with a neat bun directs another large figure. That figure carries a fair skinned girl with jet black hair towards a large black truck. A truck I recognize. I watch the neat bun bounce back towards the large vehicle. She opens the passenger door and takes the tall step in order to get into the vehicle. The large figure carries Kate to the back where a door blocks my view of them. I shake my head, anger surging through me. Who the hell do they think they are? Do they know the vehicle they just pulled her out of?

I stand as the man steps into the driver's seat. Then I turn to my left and start racing through the trees. Racing is putting it lightly. I guess it could be considered jumping, since I have to continue to teleport ahead of me to keep in line with the vehicle.

Once I know that they are heading out of town I teleport farther into the trees, a head of the vehicle. I crouch below a fallen tree, watching the headlights approach. When they are on the road across from me, I stand, preparing to teleport, but then something else catches my eye. I turn my gaze to a moving vehicle that's behind the truck. I'm surprised that I caught it, it being a darker vehicle and it's headlights shut off. It's probably a drunken fool from the party but I don't care. I don't want any witnesses.

I teleport right next to the road, near a tree so the strange vehicle won't see me. I remove my gun from my boot and as the car passes me, I fire at the back tire, causing the car to falter in it's steady pace and it roughly stop on the side of the road. I teleport past them. I soon am able to pass the truck again. But this time I don't hide in the trees. I appear on the road only a few yards away from the truck.

The driver slams on the brakes, causing a loud screech, but they are able to stop before they run into me. Neither of them exit the vehicle, considering that I have a gun in my hand. I lift the gun to the sky and make it obvious as I unload the clip and I set both of them on the road, one on each side of me, keeping my eyes on the two in the truck.

Both doors open and the woman with the neat bun is the one that steps out first and approaches me with her own gun in her hand.

"Who the hell are you?" She calls to me. I recognize her now. I teleport in front of her, grabbing her gun immediately and twisting it from her hand as I slam my elbow in her face. I aim the gun towards the guy.

"Agent Carson what is your business here?" I demand. Both of them freeze; the man having his hands in the air and the woman covering her nose. She glares at me.

"I don't answer to anyone but my superiors," she spits.

"I got the gun, so I am your superior," I say. She stands, still holding her nose. I unclip her gun and toss it to her. "Are you under instructions of General Hyman?" I say. The name spikes fear within them. They glance at each other.

"I'm tying up loose ends with a case that I had year back," she says.

"A case concerning Katherine Silver?" I say. She glances at the man again before looking back at me.


"What's the status?"

"David and Justine Silver eliminated for exchanging valuable information with The Greater Good organization. Their daughter had survived, and I have recently discovered she can identify me. I planned to eliminate her as well." I clench my fists, which twitch to punch her.

"You'll also learn that Stonegate and any persons in Stonegate are my territory, Carson." I spit. "If I see you in Stonegate again, I assure you, it will be unfortunate on your part. Courtesy of Raevon Knight." Her eyes widen, placing my face with my name. I've learned multiple times that being under Jacob's wings has it's perks as well as it's down falls.

They don't say anything but walk back to the vehicle. I walk to the back and open the doors to see Kate lying on the floor, completely out of it. I support her on my side and drag her to the side of the road and gently lay her down. I approach the driver's window and the man unrolls it.

"Heed to my warning," I threaten, before they drive away. I walk back to my gun and put the clip back into it. I walk back to Kate, taking multiple deep breaths. It's harder than usual to switch from myself back to May Eve Jennings. But somehow, I manage, and I take my phone from my pocket. I dial Amee's number.

"Hello?" Amee says, and I noticed she has an urgent yet slightly relieved voice.

"Hey, where are you? Because Kate and I went for a walk and she is totally out of it and I don't think I can drag her all the way back to the party."


So what did you guys think of the scene with Raevon and Carson a.k.a. Cassidy? Was it intense? It seemed kinda blah to me 😒

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