Chapter 26

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"We're back on 'Your cup of tea' about to spill one of the hottest tea yet." said a blonde woman into the screen.

"That's right, Alessia," replied a brunette, "anything to do with LA's sweetheart, Elizabeth Gracie Carter is much worth hearing!"

They both nodded, seated on white cushion chairs and cups of tea on the matching coffee table in front of them. There was a large screen behind them with the words "YOUR CUP OF TEA" written on a large teacup in flashing pink and white.

"Not long from now, Elizabeth was spotted along with a group of satanists." said the woman now known as Alessia. As she spoke, the image flashed onto the screen. It displayed me and the tribe, all dressed in black, exiting the liquor store with supplies in hand.

"Oh my goodness! Are those beer packs?!" questioned the brunette.

"Looks much like it. And just look at how carelessly she carries herself. Our Elizabeth, who used to smile even when nobody is watching, is now not smiling at all. I mean, that's not like her." She frowned, taking the tea from the coffee table and sipping it sweetly.

The brunette said, "I mean, being in a cult must have scarred her. I'm sure they forced her into it. We all know Elizabeth. She wouldn't do such a thing..."

My mother changed to the next channel, and a young man came into view.

"Rumours about every girl's inspiration, Elizabeth Gracie Carter being in a cult have circulated all over social media after images of her with a group of satanists went viral. This was confirmed when..."

Again, she changed the channel and there was that same picture.

"Elizabeth Carter, daughter of LA's most successful businessman, Eric Carter rumored to be in a satanic cult..."

"Do you see this?!" my mother scolded after finally turning off that darn TV. "Do you see what you've done?! What did I say to you, Elizabeth? I told you that you can do whatever the hell you want as long as you don't ruin your father and I's image. But you went ahead and did in anyway. Good Lord, child! Do you have any idea what this may do to your father's reputation? To mine? How could you have been so selfish?"

I was seated on the couch, my mother restlessly standing as she scolds my ears off. I looked up at her with indifference, waiting for her to finish.

"Answer me." she said through gritted teeth. That was enough to make me stand.

"First of all, dear mother, it's Billie. Do get it right and if you can't, feel free not to speak to me again. And mother, relax. We don't yell like that in this house, it's uncouth, unladylike." I noted the shocked expression on her face, that soon followed by clear agitation that colored her perfectly rose cheeks and ears.


"You will adress me as Billie or you will not adress me at all." I pointed my forefinger at her rudely, my tone demanding. I looked her dead in the eye as my father had taught me. I wasn't asking, I was telling and the consequences I layed before her were silent and unsaid.

Without a word, she stepped back, creating distance between us and shaking her head in disbelief.

"You evil child! You devil's spawn! How dare you point your dirty finger in my direction, an act of such disrespect, such savagery! You are not my daughter! I will die before I have to call you a child that I have raised and I disown you! I erase you from my life for I cannot erase you from very existence. You're disgusting! Disgraceful!"

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