Chapter 1

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I heard nancy gently push the door open and silently entering my gigantic new bedroom thinking I was asleep. I wasnt asleep I like to close my eyes and pretend I am. dunno why I just do. I could feel her walking closer and sitting onto the bed. I wanted her to go away.

I know that Im just gonna have to wake up and do homeschooling for 6 whole boring hours and then I'll have to go to piano lessons and ballroom dancing after that and then come back home and then do some homework and then eat yucky veggies and then read a french and english book and then sleep at exactly 8 o clock. I just wanna go to normal school! I haven't visited the orphanage in 500 years! I love my new family, but I don't like everything they make me do.

"Wake up, Lizzy." she lightly shook my body.
I hate the nickname she gave my fake name.

"I'm not Lizzy!" I said, my face flat on the pillow.

I could feel her smiling without even looking at her. I turned to her to confirm it. I was right. A wide smile was spread across her face the same way I would be if I ever get to eat pizza again.

"I felt you smile without even looking at you." I stated.

she smiled at me. i couldn't tell if she was impressed or not.

"I can't tell if you're impressed or not." I repeated my thoughts.

She simply smiled.

"It's time to get up, Elizabeth, and start your day."

She put emphasis on "Elizabeth" because she thought when I said "dont call me Lizzy" I was speaking about the nickname. I was greatefull for getting rid of the nickname, but would've been happier being called my real name. Billie. I only ever speak it once and that is in my mind. I only respond to it once and that is at church with Carlos after a prayer.

I heard nancys footsteps and she was walking out the door. She still didn't tell me if she was impressed or not.

"Wait!" I ran up to her and stood in front of her to block her from leaving, which wasn't of any use since she'd already stopped to listen.

"You still haven't told me if you're impressed or not." I waited for her response.

She laughed a bit and pinched both my cheeks gently for some reason. I hated when big people did that. Pinching kids for no reason at all. I frowned and tried to get my cheeks out if her tight-ish hold.

"Maybe you just say whatever is in that mind of yours isn't it?!" she laughed.

"Yes, I was impressed." She tried taking her breath from the light laughing she'd experienced.

"Well, do you know..."

"Oh, Elizabeth! Once you start you shall not stop! I will go start your bath now before we sit here talking all day!" she said.

I pouted the poutiest I can and furrowed my eyebrows. I knew she was kidding, but it was still annoying. I was only gonna talk for 0 seconds! I ignored her and got ready for my boring day.

The rest of my subjects went pretty well, but etiquette dragged. Bonnie was one of the worst out of all my teachers. She had short red hair that bent inwards and incredibly dark blue eyes. She wore a tight fit dress and always, always wore heels. If I accidentally positioned a fork at the wrong place, she would turn into a big red tomato. There were a KAZILLION utensils! How was I suppose to know where the tiny fork and the medium fork and whatever other sized fork went? I'm 8!

The worst session I had with this monster was when she was teaching me how to speak and how to laugh. I don't think people should be taught that. I was too afraid to question her because she was a short-tempered monster. And devil-demon. That's what I call a person that's very evil.

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