Chapter 12-latched

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I invited the unusual silence in, taking each step two at a time. I had to notify someone of my arrival, walking around during an exorcism with nobody aware of your presence is not the best decision.

I open the door to Tìo Jorge's room and find Abuela knelt down on the side of the bed, saying a silent prayer.

"proteger a esta familia del mal..." is all I could make out through her tearful words.

I decide not to disrupt her and move on to her bedroom. I find Bella on the bed with a bible in front of her and her hands folded, her eyes close tightly.

"Proteger a mi mamà y mi papa y mi tìo y mi abuela..."

I smiled at the adorable words. They were all praying for the same thing: protection for the family and the victim. But instead of simply stating that, Bella lists down everyone as if God doesn't know who her family is.

I look around the room for Tìo Jorge, but was unable to find him. He must be praying elsewhere away from Bella's eyes. He always got tearful during a prayer at times like this. I quietly entered the bedroom, deciding to join Bella in prayer.

Though, my plans were cut short when I heard something from the basement.

"Please, stop. I can't-" her words quickly dissolved into a howl.

I looked to Bella, who squeezed her eyes tighter and prayed louder.

"Limpia esta casa de toda la oscuridad..." she mumbled faster.

My eyes set back to the empty passage and I didn't think twice before turning towards it. My destination was the basement. I had to see Whitney. She sounded so troubled, so shaken, so afraid. Usually, a family member would be present to strengthen the victim's will to give in, to show them what they are living for. Whiteney has nobody. That might just make things harder than they already are. I only wanted to know that she is okay.

Carefully, I open the basement door and climb down the staircase. It didn't take me long to to reach the bottom and see the full view of the basement from where I stood. Whitney was tied to a chair, her skin pale and her red hair a dull mess on her head. I frowned. Her back was faced to me and Tìo Carlos and Tìa Delia were in front of her. Tìo Carlos holding a bible and a cross while reciting a bible verse, Tìa Delia tossing holy water every now and then and pastor John standing as a witness, whispering his own mumbles of prayer. Ropes were around her chest, lower legs and wrists, digging into her skin and leaving pink marks around it.

I moved from the staircase and silently moved behind the cardboard boxes until I was able to see a side view of the scenario. I hid behind an old dresser and peeked out, finally able to see Whitney's face. She dug her teeth into her lips until blood started to seep out, her eyes bloodshot and her veins exposed all over the surface of her milky skin. It was almost as if she was turned inside out. With a grimace and some whimpers, she shook and struggled to get out of the ropes, her hair bouncing around as she moved. Blood was starting to emerge from the rope injuries, and I shut my eyes briefly to recover from the sight. I wanted to get out there and tell her that everything would be alright. That even if her husband is not here, she still has so much to live for. There was so many other things to life that she can look foward to. She was still young. She could remarry. She could find love again. Unlike me, she has that choice. The choice to choose how her life would be like because none of hers is planned. I wanted her to see that.

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