1: Wave

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Hi there! Thanks for chosing this story! I hope you like it! This story is a fanfiction about a ship from the anime My Hero Academia: BakuDeku. Now, If you don't like gay things, or do not support this ship, then this story is not for you. Don't forget to comment and vote! 

-Sucky Author

The idea of this story came from: @Baddy2021 , so credits to them! 

Katsuki's POV: 

I slouched down in my seat, as Aizawa kept rambling about the class. I've got to say, he knows how to put people to sleep easily. Just as the bell was about to ring, a familiar scent came up to me. I recognized it. Deku's heat is starting. I looked around. All the Alphas of the class were sniffing the air, looking for the needy Omega. 

Deku told me his secret when we were five. He had found out he was an Omega, and didn't want anyone to know. Sure, I might be a jerk. But I promised him that I wouldn't tell. So I didn't. 

I sighed and looked down to my notebook, tearing a piece of paper out of it. I passed it behind to the nerd, and he took it. 

It was simple. I just had to write two words. You smell. 

I know, I know, other people would take it as an insult. But not this nerd. He somewhat thinks I'm helping him out. So he appreciates it. I guess, in some way, I only tell him he smells so that no other Alpha will get to him. Not that I'd get jealous or anything. But I don't want another Alpha's hands on Deku. Only I'm allowed to touch that dipshit.

Izuku's POV: 

I sighed and crumpled the piece of paper between my hands, before raising my arm.

''Yes, Midoriya?'' Mr. Aizawa asked.

I asked him to go to the washroom, and he told me I could go. Therefore, I stood up and walked out the class, avoiding the glances from the other Alpha's. My supressants must have wore off. It's pretty hard with me. My supressants only last an hour, even if they're supposed to last 8 hours. My heats are strong, which is why I have to take a pill every hour. I'm lucky to have Kacchan around! He's the only Alpha that knows about my secret. I'm glad he knows about it too, 'cause without him, I probably would have gotten attacked by a million Alphas by now. 

I love him.

Katsuki's POV: 

After class was over, I stood up and walked out, heading towards my dorm. Deku had been gone for most of the day, due to his heat, I figure. 

I walked up to my dorm, passing Deku's on the way. It really bothered me. You could smell him from outside. And apparently, I wasn't the only one. Icy-Hot, also known as Shoto Todoroki, was standing in front of his door, frozen. 

He was staring intensly at the door-knob. 

Pfft, what do I care? It's Deku's problem now. I kept walking, silently passing Icy-Hot. I didn't really feel like talking to anyone right now anyways. Just as I passed him, I felt a strange wave of emotions. I turned around. Shoto was reaching for the handle, twisting it, and opening the door. 

The weird sensation came back, stronger this time. Todoroki went inside, which led me to go stand in the doorway. Deku was curled up under his blankets, in a pile. He smelled really strong. I don't think Icy-Hot knew I was standing there, since he started walking towards Deku, brushing away a strand of his hair from his forehead. 

Suddenly, the nerd twitched and curled up, seemingly in pain. I knew his heats were strong, but to the point where it hurts him? Is that even normal? 

Icy-Hot started acting weirdly after a while, and I didn't really trust him. Not near my Deku. I cleared my throat, earning his attention. As soon as we made eye contact, he smiled softly. 

''Ah, Bakugou. I was just leaving.'' 

I kept quiet. He walked past me, and disappeared into the halls. I looked back over to Deku, who   winced in pain again. His smell was stronger than in class, earlier. 

I sighed and shook him gently, trying to wake him up. He slowly opened his stupid eyes, looking at me. I didn't say anything. I didn't really think I should, to be honest. 

I don't know if I did something wrong or not, but Deku started crying. Tears rolled down his face, before his closed his eyes and hid his face in the blankets. 

''Is everything okay, Deku?'' I asked.

He shook his head before sniffing softly. Everything he does is adorable.

''I reek...'' He sobbed. 

This nerd... He thinks... He stinks? Sure, he smell strongly, but it's a sweet, pleasing scent. He doesn't reek. No way. 

I gently passed my thumb on his forehead, removing some of his soft strands of hair. 

''Kacchan-'' He sniffled, pulling me onto him. He hugged me, on top of him, over a pile of blankets. I couldn't resist his cuteness, so I hugged back. He stopped crying after a while, and he took one of his pills again. 

''Deku-'' I wanted to tell him something, but he winced in pain once more. ''What's wrong with you?'' I asked, shaking him softly. 

He looked down. ''It's nothing. Kacchan, can you leave now?'' he asked, before looking into my eyes. 

''Why?'' I asked.

''I... I can't tell you.'' 

 I sighed. When I ask a question, I want an answer. 

''Izuku, Why?'' 

He looked up to me in shock, probably from hearing me say his real name. 

''Tell me, please...'' I asked. I tried to sound nicer, and calmer. All I wanted was to find out what was wrong with him. 

''I think I'm going to get a wave...'' He muttered. 

''A wave?'' I asked.

''Ah, Nothing. Go away Kacchan. I need to be alone.'' He said, waving his hands around. He then stood up, and pushed me towards the door, pushing me into the hallway, before closing the door again. 

A wave...?

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