10: Happiness

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Izuku's POV: 

I rolled over, cringing in pain. Kacchan was gone to work early today. He got a job as a waitor in a local restaurant a few days ago, and since then, he's gone from 5 AM to 6PM. 

I don't know if I've fully recovered from that night last month... My stomach hurts from morning to night. Ever since Kacchan and I...

I rolled over once again, wrapping myself in Kacchan's blankets. He smells so good. I miss him. I get bored soon, so I turn on his bedroom TV, watching the news for a few minutes. It helps me forget about my pains. My heat is late, and it's supposed to be here by now. Maybe that's why I'm in pain. Maybe I should go see a doctor. They'd figure out what's wrong with me. Is because I'm mated now? No idea. I'll have to look it up, I guess. 

I think I fell asleep while watching the news, since when I woke up, Kacchan was there. 

''Hey, cutie... Feeling any better?'' Kacchan asks, smiling softly at me.

I smiled at him and gently shook my head. I was still in pain. Kacchan brushed away a lock of my hair, passing his finger over my forehead. He then took my temperature, and told me I wasn't running a fever.

''You seem fine...''he muttered, before standing up from the bed. ''Your mom called me. She was worried since you weren't answering your phone... She told me to tell you she wants you home for supper.'' My Alpha said, smiling softly at me.

I smiled back, and struggled to stand up. A cramp went by, making me flinch, but otherwise I was fine. I've been staying over at Kacchan's every night, and I rarely go home, so my mom often has to ask me to come home and eat with her. I don't blame her. I'd like to see my son once in a while too, y'know?

I walked over to the front door of the apartment, grabbing my jacket. ''I'll get going right now, then.'' I mumbled, turning the door knob. But before I could walk out, Kacchan grabbed my hand and turned me around. ''Where do you think you're going, without giving me a kiss..?'' He asked, smirking. I smiled at him, even though I wasn't in the mood, and stood up straight to give him a kiss. I wanted to pull away, but Kacchan grabbed my waist and leaned into it even more, inserting his tongue inside my mouth, making me flinch. 

I managed to pull away after a while, and regain my breath. I was tired, and in pain. I just wanted to go eat, and go back to bed. That's all... Is it too much to ask for?

Katsuki's POV: 

Deku left my apartment around 6:15 to go to his house. Damn, I didn't even get the chance to talk to him much. I've been wanting to ask him to move in with me, but lately, I've been busy at work, and Deku's been sleeping a lot because he doesn't feel well. He's been like this for about 3 weeks. Being sick every few mornings, having cramps all day long, and drained of all force and energy. Not to mention he's constantly hungry and asking for snacks. I asked him to go see a doctor, but he claimed he was fine and he just needed to rest. So I let him be. I can't force him to do anything, it's his life. All I can do is try to lead him into what's best...

I took out my frozen-lunch out of the microwave, opening it and watching the steam come out. I sat down alone at my table, and took a bite of my food. Disgusting, but it's getting late and I need to eat. 

I finish my lunch pretty quickly, and then go take a shower. 

The hot water ran down my face as I looked down, putting soap in my hands. I washed myself, all while thinking about what's going on in my life. I just graduated 2 months ago, then I got my rut. Izuku and I are mated for life, and he's not feeling well... Is he stressed? Ever since we slept together. Is he thinking of getting the operation to remove my marking? Is he unhappy with me? I close the water and walk out, taking out my towel.

I soon walked out my bathroom, and sat down on my couch, turning on my living room TV. I have one in my room too, but it's the size of a laptop. Besides, Izu uses it more than I do.

Even if the news was playing in front of me, the only thing I could think about was Izu. He's sick, and was avoiding me earlier. Yeah, I noticed. He didn't want to kiss me when he left, and when we did, he tried pulling away as soon as he could. I frown and look at my feet. 

Is he happy?

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