Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Is it Colton's?" Sofia couldn't help but ask her.

"No, it's his friend's. I was too drunk and he took advantage of me, " said Victoria in a hoarse voice. Sofia clasped her heart horrified by her twin's statement.

"Colton knows about it?" She asked angrily. 

"Yes, he doesn't care about me. He doesn't love me. I was foolish enough to fall for him. I just met his friend a few times to get Colton jealous but he took advantage of me," choked Victoria as she burst into hopeless tears. 

“Tell me everything. Did he take advantage of you?” whispered Sofia, dreading her answer. 

“Yes,” whispered back Victoria, trying to choke back her tears. She told her twin everything that happened that night. She also told her about Colton’s message to her. “He judged me without even asking me what actually happened, Sofia. He broke my heart,” sobbed Victoria bitterly into the phone. 

"Vicky, don't cry. Colton is a d*ck. Don’t give him a thought but this is serious. We need to tell mom and dad and get Pete punished for what he did to you. Why didn’t you inform them before? They could have got him behind bars for the heinous crime that he has committed. Still it’s not too late," said Sofia. 

"It's of no use. He doesn't live here and there's no proof of his crime," said Victoria, wiping her tears.

"Of course there is. The baby growing inside you is proof enough," said Sofia incredulously.

"What proof is there that I didn't willingly have se* with him?" Asked Victoria. Sofia was quiet. She was right. There was no proof. "Promise me that you won't tell anyone, Sofi. If you do, I'll leave home forever," threatened Victoria. She couldn’t live if her parents judged her the way Colton did.

"I won't but how long can you hide it?" Asked a worried Sofia.

"I'll tell everyone when the time is right," said Victoria with a sigh. She would have to tell her parents by next month when she wouldn’t be able to hide the tell-tale signs of pregnancy.

“Till then take care of yourself, Vicky. Just know that this isn’t your fault at all. Don’t let other's false judgment get to you. Take help, consult a therapist, get a grip over yourself. You have to be strong for your baby, Vicky. I’m always with you if you need help,” said Sofia. Victoria wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She was glad that Sofia understood her so well.

Sofia was very upset about what Victoria told her but she couldn't tell her parents due to Victoria's threat. She couldn't tell Davion too as he might pick up a fight with Colton. That would spoil his relationship with Colton as well as hers with Victoria. So although she was worried about Victoria, her hands were tied and she waited for updates everyday from her mom

Victoria came to her senses after having a talk with her twin. She realized the gravity of the situation. Sofia was right. There was no use crying over Colton’s insensitivity. It was time to move on with her life. If not for anyone, she should do it for the sake of her baby. There were many women who craved for a child of their own but weren’t so blessed as she was. She would have to live for her baby, she had to get a grip over herself. For the first time in months, she looked for a psychiatrist nearby who could provide her with the necessary treatment. She needed it badly before her baby was born. She noted that one psychiatrist whose chamber was nearby was very popular with a huge number of wonderful reviews. 

Checking the number given, she called the therapist, Trevor Clarkston for an appointment. A booming voice answered at the other end. 

“Trevor Clarkston speaking,” said the voice.

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