Chapter 10 Rune finds Scoundrel and Cross and Switch & Anti-error gets jelly

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(Rune's Point Of view)
"Stop right there nightmare papyrus's how dare you hurt the innocent's of swapFell 😡(ب_ب)(눈‸눈).
(So that you all know in this Multiverse swapFell monsters are on the surface)

Did they just ignore what I said 😑?

Those creepy shadow creatures made by Jet Nightmare are kinda stupid do they not realize that I could beat them up errg .

Those shadows just keep attacking the humans and monsters of this universe when I was just about to fight him a row of bones in a purple color smash into them and the small human child that they had in their grasp came tumbling down to the ground while the nightmare papyrus's well they got killed or just turned into goop I don't really think they were alive to begin with ┐( ˘_˘)┌, then that kid who by the way is unconscious was rolling in my direction .

Oh no the child is none other than the child that freed the monsters in this universe not good those guys are crazy and might think that I was the one who hurt them nope not going to let that happen oh I know I could just heal them with my magic abilities that should keep me safe

My hands begin to glow with a green light and the human kid is healing at a very fast rate my hand stopped glowing and then the little kid has opened their eyes and looks at me .

Oh no that's even worse now that kid is crawling up to me and then stands and grabbed my arm .

"O_o No let go of my arm I have to save the other inhabitants of this universe.

This kid just started crying and then holds my arm in a death-lock it hurts my arm I don't want to be here any longer (╥﹏╥) .

"Let me go it hurts my arm ouch 😭 let go of me I just saved you why are you hurting me (╥﹏╥) sob sob someone please get this kid off of me they are hurting my arm I think that my arm has lost most of it's feeling in it nope nevermind I can still feel pain in it someone anyone human or monster get this child off of me wah I want to go back to Switches universe it was better than this for sure .


"😣Yes please get your fallen human off of me thank you they were crushing my arm and I need that to stop those shadow beings my magic abilities are the only ones that will get rid of them(>.<) .


"What no I'm not with those creatures I'm their enemy not an Ally of theirs I fight them not help them I protect others from them well sence Dream stopped being a guardian of positivity and now works for Nightmare the one who created those shadow beings (눈‸눈) so don't lump me in with them okay I'm a gaurdian of AUs and timelines of originalverse but to stop your Multiverse from falling into darkness I came here to protect it got that I'm a hero of others not a villain !

"I'm Delta Rune Comet a friend of monster kind in my Multiverse and hope to be so to others like your world ( ╹▽╹ )(≧▽≦) I love to help others and spread happyness and friendship with others hehe (◕ᴗ◕✿)(✿^‿^) so don't worry little grape or was it Black Berry hehe just call me Rune my goal is to help you heck I even helped your human Chara there who was unconscious after that group of nightmare papyrus's attached you're city.
I'm sorry that you are having to deal with that (。ŏ﹏ŏ) I got here as fast as I could to protect you ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ .

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