chapter 2 the gaurdian is learning of Omniverse and lots of Ink's and au sanse

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(Rune's Point Of View)

So me and Papa Ink are having a picnic in undertale when all of the sudden a portal opens under Papa Ink and we both fall into the strange portal I hug Papa Ink so hard I think that my hands are numb we continue to fall to what might be our eminent death .
"Oh why did we go to undertale we should have gone to echotale instead wah  wah Papa Ink I'm so scared where is this portal even going to".

(Shell Ink sans point of view)
In another Multiverse or more accurately Omniverse I'm very particular Ink sans was doing something they shouldn't have done that's right they were creating a portal they were trying to bring more of themselves from other multiverses there unfortunately they brought more than what they originally intended but it seems it doesn't just bring Ink sans but all who were with said Ink sanses would also be brought with them so instead of it just being an ink party and listening to anyone else who was stuck to them party the Ink Sans realized his mistake way to late and some of them even had error sans that went with them some being friends and some more at times and some just plain hated each other and one child Ink sans he did mean to bring and to his surprise it brought was that a........... Human!!
Oh no those other Ink's are going to kill him he thought to himself a voice from within his soul tells him after the last time that this happened you would think you would get it by now don't create magic spells like that that send more than one Ink at a time ink glares at his soul shut up error he yells at himself though he's quite interested to find out how a human got here he thinks he'll stick around for a little while before the other Inks try to clobber him he notices that said human is attached to another instance it almost looks like they are joined at the hip but looking closer he noticed that they were just holding on to said ink shell Ink notice something weird about this ink in particular his eye lights were rainbows it was actually kind of funny to look at well maybe this isn't totally bad maybe he can convince this human to not be violent or genocidal hopefully that'll be enough.
It was a few minutes later that the girl he now realized that the human was a female so it must be a girl was still holding on to the unconscious rainbow colored eyelights Ink  Shell Ink  has decided to call him rainbow face for now he walks up to The human girl and talks to her about not showing any lv to anyone but then he looks at her stats only to look at her with surprise she had more hp than him and he is a fricken god to his multiverse but not a speck of LV Or EXP How is that mortal so strong and acting like a big baby bones she even started to cry when he tried to talk to her.

Rune's Point Of view

Wah this strange version of Papa Ink is so huge wah I wanna go back to the pocket dimension this place is scary. "Sob sob sob Papa 😭 I'm scared of the other you over there he's scary I wanna go home sob sob wah Papa Ink save me from the other you he's dragging me away sob sob Papa Ink" (。ŏ﹏ŏ).·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·.(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥). I try to reach out to Papa Ink but he is unconscious

"What the heck why are you crying I didn't even do anything to you so why "?
"Maybe she is intimidated by your hight she doesn't seem to know of Gian AUs so I doute she is okay with someone biger than her Ink sans she also seems traumatized man what you do to this kid Shell she is totally afraid of you even Blue wasn't afraid of me like she is you hahaha" .
"Shut up Error"!
"That guy is kinda cute Oh my Star's that blue Is so cute want to pinch his face sooo cute I'ma going to hug him" (≧▽≦)(≧▽≦)( ╹▽╹ ).
"Hi I'm Deltarune, Deltarune Comet but my friends call me Rune and my Papa calls me little angel but I like Rune better I'm from a multiverse called Originalverse that my Papa over there he's the only one who is sleeping on his paintbrush broomie and he has pretty rainbow colored eyelights what do they call you"(≧▽≦)?
"Error she is flirting with Blue how is she feeling fine with him but scared of me "?
"Didn't you tell me to shut up nope this is your problem not mine" .
"Dang it Error tell me please"?
Wow so he is also called Blue wow that's so cool (☆▽☆).
"Well it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance I just wanted to let you know that you're both cute and cool at the same time".

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