chapter 17 the guardian Rune's friend Eclipse Dream-Light of Dreamscape

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Actual he's just a baby the picture at the top is what he looks like in his human form see he's just a baby an intelligen one but just a baby heck his weapons he summons aren't really weapons they were originally just toys see when Rune gave him a new body in book 2 he also inherited some of her creation abilities so he turned the toys she bought him into weapons so in a way he is tenicaly his mom but Rune hates that idea so she treats him as a little brother instead remembered she's mentally a child herself and as most people say a child can't raise another child so she convinced Origin to adopt him like he did with Rune but um their relationship isn't good oh and Eclipse hates his sire Yandere Shattered Dream so he protects Rune from him so when Rune called him to this universe his first response was to shoot him with his twilight blasters why well he really hates him and the reason why well the first year that Rune ran away from  Yeandere Shattered Dream well Shattered himself told him he first only made him to keep his alter ego Dream trapped and when he helped Rune to escape him he wasn't useful anymore so can you all see why he hates his sire.
(Rune's Point Of View)

It's cold and dark no no no this isn't good at all gulp it's him the king of Nightmares of this multiverse gulp I tried to get as far away from him as I can .

(Jet Nightmare sans)

Hahaha you really thought you could turn Dream against me hahaha I'm his twin he would choose me over you any day my little toy you won't get away this time .

Oh heck no Help someone anyone I'm not able to fight him Destiny help me please .

(Destiny )

Hold on my champion an old friend is on his way with the others even my child has  joined the cause they are on their way here to save you .

I spent the next few hours but then he caught me no no no ugh .

"Let go of me don't touch me failed guardian of negativity you're not really Nightmare he was a kind little boy who is trapped in his own body he watches you and what you do to his brother!

( Jet Nightmare sans)

"Oh and how do you know that?

"Because his soul cries out to me it's asking for help he wants his body you fake Nightmare what will Dream think when he finds out who you really are .

(Jet Nightmare sans)

"Now how to shut you up oh I know that thing you humans do when in love .

No way are you kissing me goopface you're just a parasite that feeds off of the real one ugh .

I closed my eyes when suddenly I hear a voice say this .

(Eclipse dreamscape)

"Touch my creator and I will shoot off that head of yours looks like the great and powerful Eclipse has come at the right time to save Rune Rune huh what is that overgrown ball of goop doing to my Rune 🤔😡 time to kill this octopus!

"Eclipse my cute little boy how did you get here and also thanks for the save my little bodyguard so did you're training with Cross at Amathists house ?

(Eclipse dreamscape)

"Yep me and the knight finished my training I'm here to save my lady so Rune are you proud of Eclipse?

"Yes I'm very proud and happy to see you my little Buddy.

I watched as Eclipse hit several Shadow papyrus and then turns to Nightmare and shot him with pure positive magic and knocked out Nightmare as he grabbed my hand and we both ran to the exit.

Heh you really are the best decision I made in yandere shatteredverse my cute little protector of my honor and innocence🙂😊☺️.

Huh what's that ahhhhh it's horror sans run for it Eclipse that monster would try and kill us both if his boss told him to .

book 4 Into The Darkness The Rise Of The Shadows And The Thrown Of The Darkness Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant