Volume 2: Dying?

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Arthur and his friends are now going to the royal lecture hall and Arthur had a doozy once again


Mariya: I told you not to be up all night now look at you?

Gabriel: He seems like he needs a bit of healing.

Mariya: *sigh* I need to take care of this idiot for a while.

Arthur: Ouch.

Mariya: Better.

Arthur(Mind): She can be so cruel!!! But I like it heheheh.

Cecilia: So Noelle What do you think will Professor Isaac will do?

Noelle: I think that we will have hands-on learning with advanced mana lessons.

Arthur is silent for some reason but is thinking about one thing: the day is drawing near for him to live since his magic is now taking his life force piece by piece and he can feel himself becoming weak.

Arthur(mind): Why am I-

Mariya: Arthur, Are you ok?

Arthur: Oh I am ok! hehe.

Later all of the students are now inside the lecture hall and the professor discussed advanced magic manipulation. After the lecture:

Isaac: Today, we will go to a dungeon.


Isaac: I knew that if I put you into a real-life situation, and I will test you in action/


Isaac: Glad you asked Jacob, We will enter an A-rank Dungeon, though this is confirmed information, but we need to be careful because A rank gates can change into a S-rank in a flash depending on the events. 

Arthur is not his usual self anymore who is always fired up in his way but now he is somehow worried about something.

Later all of the students are in their respective carriage and as Arthur is going to a separate carriage which is unusual for him to do.

Mariya: Arthur, are you alright?

Arthur is now in confusion on whether to tell her or not but he only said:

Arthur: Oh well uh I'm ok I'm just tired.

Gabriel: Oh ok then well, rest on the way you need your energy and mana to fight.

Arthur(mind): That is what I am worried about, I'm sorry Mariya, I might have not been able to have more time with you, also my mana core is slowly eating my life force away.

Mana core soul chain fusion:

The drawback of this technique is that one of the pair will slowly die, inch by inch of its life force will be destroyed the more you use magic, and also it limits your usage of magic, and vigorous use of magic will get your time limit to go shorter and when you use your magic much more the body will take from the drawback the user's soul will be shattered and might die or lucky in soul sleep.

Arthur(mind): I hope when that time happens I hope it will be just soul sleep.

Arthur glanced to the window and saw a winged beast coming their way.


All: WHAT???


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