Chapter 6

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Claire's POV:

  I look at the pictures that are of Alice and I. It makes sense now the way I feel around her, safe, protected, and loved. What Hope said about the way Alice looks at me made sense.

  She does have a look in her eyes that I didn't know what it was but now I do. It's love, she looks at me with love. That realization made me warm inside.

"Hope, Claire," we stand up as Alice climbs up the stairs. "That ship over there," she points out towards the sea, "that's Arcadia."

Hope's breath hitched, "of course. Why didn't I think of that?" I watch Hope take off down the stairs and jog towards the plane. "I know," I say looking at Alice who looks at me surprised.

    "You remember?" She asks with hope in her voice. I bite my lip trying to remember everything. "I-I remember the beach. People were coming to help us," I tell her softly. That memory just suddenly came back to me.

    "What happened? Why didn't you go with the others?" She asks making me look down with my eyebrows furrowed. My memory got hazy after seeing the people in the boats coming and I had gotten out of the helicopter.

   "I-I don't know. I can't remember," I say looking down playing with my fingers. Two fingers go under my chin and lifts my head. I connect eyes with her beautiful green eyes.

       "Hey, it's okay. It'll come back," Alice softly says pushing a piece of my hair behind my ear. I gulp softly at the look in her eyes. She cups my cheek softly rubbing her thumb gently across my cheek.

God, I wish I could remember this amazing woman. Alice clears her throat removing her hand while taking a step back. "Sorry," she says looking away. I give a small smile, "it's okay." She looks at me with a gently look.

"Moms look. Kmart and Angie are there," Hope exclaims with an excited smile showing us the map that has a glowing dot in the sea area. I smile to myself. She said Moms, I don't think she even realized from how excited she is.

      Alice runs a hand through Hope's hair with a loving smile. She sighs looking at the ship. "We have to get to that ship," she says making Hope and I look out at the ship.

Hope's POV:

  Luther is taking Mom and I towards the cells I think? "Welcome to your new home, cell block B," he says. Mom and I look around, jeeze how high is this prison.

"Crystal's our cook. The menu's not extensive but she is a master of what she does," Luther says giving us trays and leads us to Crystal who is cooking. "Sorry I didn't bring better news," Mom tells her.

     "Get used to disappointment right? That's what my agent used to say," Crystal says stirring the rice around. "Were you an actress?" I ask with a small smile. I don't recognize her from anything I watched.

    She snorts softly with a smile and looks up at me. "I came to Hollywood to live the dream, ended up waiting tables," she says with a shrug. I frown and nod.

     "Why are we waiting? Excuse me. I'm hungry. Thank you," Bennett cuts in front of us making Zeus growl at him. I pet his head, yeah boy I don't like him either. "I met plenty of creeps like him in my time," Crystal says staring at Bennett in disgust.

     "What's his story?" Mom asks looking away from Bennett to Luther. "Back in the day, he was some kind of big movie producer. The boy's got a stick up his ass," Luther loudly says looking towards him.

    I chuckle holding out my tray as Crystal scoops some food on it. "Kim Yong used to intern for him. Still hasn't figured out the world has changed," Luther says holding onto his tray.

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