Chapter 1

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  Alice's voice over:
       "My name is Alice and this is my daughter Hope. We worked for the Umbrella Corporation in a secret laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry. There was an incident. A virus escaped. Everybody died. Trouble was they didn't stay dead."

Hope's voice over:
"This was the start of an apocalypse that would sweep the entire world. The men responsible for this disaster took refuge underground and continued to experiment with the deadly T-Virus. They felt secure in their high-tech fortress. But they were wrong."

Hope's POV:

      I make sure the gun strap is good and my daggers are secure before nodding at mom. "Okay, everybody knows the plan. Same as before. Destroy Umbrella," mom says standing in front of us.

   Us as in her clones and me. They nod at her. Mom looks me in the eye and I grin excitedly with a nod. This is our last one before we go to Alaska to be with our family.

   So you can probably tell I'm pretty excited. Mom smiles softly at me. "What's the only rule again?" Mom raises an eyebrow at them. They chuckle, "protect Hope at all costs." One of the clones ruffles my hair playfully.

    I playfully scowl at her and she just smiles at me. "Why is it always the hair," I whine fixing my hair. They including mom laughs at me. Mom's clones all have motherly instincts towards me. It's cute to be honest. "Let's go. It's time," mom tells us. We nod and take off.


       We successfully invaded Umbrella. Mom's clones are on every level killing Umbrella soldiers. I shoot a couple of soldiers before taking cover by a pillar. I look to my side and see mom's clone taking cover by another pillar.

    I take out a couple of my daggers and throw them up. They float in the air for a sec before I send them flying towards the soldiers. Loud grunts and choking let me know the daggers reached their destination.

   I smirk at MC before it drops as a loud bang goes off and searing pain spreads across my stomach. I hold onto my stomach with a broken gasp. Blood flows onto my hand from my wound.

    I feel my arm being wrapped around somebody's neck and an arm wrap around my waist. "You're going to okay, Hope. Hold on," MC says trying to mask her worry. She helps me out of the room and down the hall.

     We meet with two more of mom's clones who gasp in shock. "We have to get her to Alice quickly. Hurry," MC quickly tells them. I made a strangled noise making them pick up their pace. This is not a normal bullet. I've been shot before and it never hurt like this before. It feels like my insides are burning.


    Salvatore School

   Keelin stares wide eyed at the crystal ball as it turns a reddish orange color. "Freya! Nik! Hayley! Fuck, guys?!," she screams in a panic. Everybody runs into the library in a panic looking for any danger.

    They relax when they don't see anything. "Wha-," Nik cut himself off as he sees the crystal ball. Hayley gasps and speeds towards it. "W-what does this mean?!," Hayley frantically asks looking at Freya.

    Freya swallows thickly, "s-she's hurt badly." Nik and Hayley's breath caught. "We need to see her, Freya," Nik demands feeling scared for his littlest wolf. "What about her cloaking spell, Nik," Rebekah shaky voice asks him.

     Nik looks at Hayley with his jaw set and she nods. "To hell with it! Break it, Freya! I need to see my babygirl," Hayley firmly tells her. Freya nods getting the materials needed.

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