Chapter 5

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No One POV

     "Your Alice, right?" Claire asks looking at the brunette who makes her feel certain types of things, safe and content. "She speaks," Alice says silently happy that her soulmate is talking to her.

    Claire smiles slightly loving the sound of her raspy voice. "Look I'm sorry about back there. Hitting you and ou- Hope. I don't know what happened. I don't remember anything. I didn't even know my name," she tells her sadly, looking down.

    Alice frowns sadly. "Those memories Hope showed you didn't trigger anything, at all?" She asks referring to the spell Hope did that showed her the convoy and their family.

    Only thing is that it's Hope's memories from the time they were with the convoy. "No, I don't remember those. But seeing them made me feel.... I don't know happy, content. I uh liked it," Claire lets out a low breathy laugh messing with her hands.

    Alice smiles sadly to herself. She just wants to kiss and hug her girlfriend to make her feel better but she can't because Claire doesn't remember them being together.

    "Perhaps you can cut me loose now," Claire raises her tied hands looking at Alice over Hope's shoulder. "Hope?" Alice calls reaching back getting her daughter's attention. Hope looks up from her drawing and takes out her ear buds, "yes?"

     Alice gives her a knife, "give this to Claire, please." Hope nods grabbing the knife and turns around in her seat. "You're not gonna stab me again are you?" She says playfully, giving Claire the knife.

    Claire winced grabbing it and starts cutting the rope. "I'm sorry about that," she says making Hope wave her off. "It's fine, M-Claire," she catches herself and corrects it.

   Hope is so used to calling her Ma that she feels weird calling her Claire again. Claire frowns sadly hearing Hope correct herself. Hope clears her throat to get rid of the awkwardness, "uh here maybe this will help you with jogging your memories."

    She hands Claire the photo album that contains pictures of their family and the convoy. Claire grabs it and opens it.

     Alice glances back at her soulmate who is smiling slightly then at her daughter who winks and goes back to drawing. Alice smiles softly and focuses back on flying.

Freya POV:

      I take a sip of my water before sitting down on the bed. I roll my eyes at my annoyed sister who is pacing up and down.

"I can't believe you got us in this situation. If you had just done the," Rebekah stops herself glancing at the two human guys, "thing right we wouldn't be here right now!"

     I run my hands down my face frustrated. "Maybe if somebody didn't rush me and spilt the bowl, I would've did it right," I said giving her a pointed look.

She groans and sits next to me leaning against the glass wall. I smirk to myself, she knows I'm right. I sigh and hold her hand. She looks at me and I give her a soft smile.

"Don't worry Bekah we'll get out of here soon. I don't know how yet but we will," I tell her squeezing her hand gently. She nods with a sigh and leans her head on my shoulder.

    I smile softly and kiss her head then lean my head on hers. "Are you girls gonna make out? If so can I watch?" The bald man who's guarding us asks looking between us.

     Rebekah growls lowly but stops as I squeeze her hand. No need to kill this man yet. We'll never be able get to out of here if she does.

   "We're sisters you sick fuck," I spat at him glaring. His lust filled face dropped and he walked away bummed. God even thought the world ended there's still guys like him.

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