Act 2 Scene 7

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HERMIONE, HARRY, and RON are waiting on platform 9 3/4 for their children. 

Hermione: I miss them so much! I can't wait for them to come home! 

Ginny: Yeah! I've kinda been worried about Albus ever since the time turner incident. But, Lily's last owl said that he was okay, so I'm hopeful. 

Ron: Hugo's last one said that Rose wasn't doing so well. 

Harry: Gin, you've gotta keep in mind that Lily only sends owls every two months. 

Ginny: (sighs) I know. I'm just trying to stay hopeful. 

Hermione: Those kiddos are really trouble magnets. I want them to be at home so that I can keep an eye on them. 

Ron: And, we miss them like heck when they're gone. It's making me kinda want to homeschool Rose and Hugo. 

Hermione: (jokingly) The homeschool survival rates are significantly higher!

They all laugh, thinking back to their own Hogwarts days

Ginny: Oh... those times happened so long ago. Now I'm almost forty. 

Hermione: At least you can still say "Almost"

Ron: Remember when we were Rose's and Albus's age?

Harry: I was forcefully entered into a tournament where I almost died, Ron. It's pretty dang hard to forget that. 

Ron: No, the fun part of it. 

Hermione: What was the "Fun part", pray tell? Watching Harry almost die?

Ron: No. The quidditch world cup!!!! Remember!?

Ginny: Yeah. It was a lot of fun....

Harry: Until the dark mark appeared and our lives started to go bad. 

Ron: Harry, focus on the fun part! Voldy's gone, Delphi's in Azkaban, we have nothing to worry about!

The scarlet steam engine comes in. 

Hermione: They're here!

A large crowd of children spills out, and GINNY, HARRY, RON, and HERMIONE are having trouble finding them. 

Harry: (yelling over the crowd) LET'S JUST HOPE THEY FIND US!

After the crowd dissipates, JAMES, LILY, and HUGO come off. 

Harry: James!!! Lily!!! 

HARRY and GINNY hug them both

ROSE, ALBUS, and SCORPIUS come off, looking awful. 

Hermione: ROSIE!!!! (Pauses when she sees her) Baby, what's wrong?

Rose: (Looks around worriedly) Oh.... nothing. 

Albus: (Whispers to Scorpius) Do you think he's watching!?

SCORPIUS looks around, sighs in relief, and shakes his head. 

Draco: Scorpius.... (worriedly) Are you alright? You don't look well. 

Scorpius: Yes, father, I'm fine. 

Harry: Lily, you truly ought to owl us more. 

Lily: Daaad! I'm too busy!

James: And I don't wanna write!

Ginny: (rolling eyes) Lily, your brother looks like the living dead. 

Albus: (Still looking around, paranoid.) I still think he's here....

Rose: (staying close to Albus and Scorpius) Maybe.... you never know.....

Te parents look at each other worriedly. 

Harry: Um... let's go home. 

Hermione: Yes, I agree. Rosie? Hu? We're gonna go back home, okay?

Rose: Yeah.... okay. 

RON and HERMIONE leave, and soon after SCORPIUS and DRACO leave. 

Harry: You kids ready to go?

Lily: Yes!

James: Yes!

Albus: (looking behind himself) Let's get outta here!

The Potter family walks offstage and the curtain closes

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now