Cursed Child Part 2

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                                                     Act 1 Scene 15

ROSE is sitting in the common room in front of the fire, trying to calm down

Rose: I was kidnapped... But they have him.... my parents don't need to know.... It's completely unimportant....

Lily: You okay Rosie?

ROSE flips around

Rose: Oh, you scared me!

Lily: Um, I just got news. Someone set off the alarm in the ministry telephone booth, and their witness only saw a man run out of the booth. 

ROSE'S face loses all color

Rose: They didn't catch him? You sure?!

Lily: Woah, is something wrong?

Rose: No.... No, of course not! Haha I'm fine! Like, really.... Excuse me...

ROSE walks out of the room and HUGO follows her

Hugo: Is Rose okay?

Lily: I don't think so. She was acting really weird when I told her about the man that ran out of the ministry telephone booth. 

Hugo: That's strange. Generally she doesn't flip out about that stuff. 

James: Hugo, Lily.... (looks around) Where's Rose?

Lily: She just went up to her dorm, she was acting strange. 

James: How strange?

Hugo: She apparently flipped out about the man escaping the telephone booth. Let's summon Albie!

James: Won't Albus be swamped with work....?

Lily: Well, he knows Rose better than us in some ways, so maybe it's a good idea to tell him and ask him what it might mean. 

Hugo: Yes. Where is the Slytherin common room anyways?

James: I... actually don't know. 

Lily: Neither do I. 

Hugo: Your brother's in Slytherin!

James: (Throws up hands) I can't remember everything!

Lily: I know Rose knows....

James: But we all know that she's a genius. It's scary. 

Hugo: You don't have to be a genius to know where the Slytherin common room is. 

They hear a knock at the door

What's that?

Albus: (through the door) Guys, can you let me in? Please?

James: Yeah! One moment! (he opens up the portrait hole)

ALBUS walks in

Albus: Guys, Rose was acting really weird a couple days ago. Have you noticed anything?

Lily: Actually... yes. She flipped out about the guy escaping the ministry telephone booth. 

Albus: Should we tell our parents? Or McGonagall?

Hugo: Maybe Madame Pomfrey? She's getting thinner and she looks like she hasn't had much sleep. 

James: I think that we should talk to her. 

Hugo: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. 

They all go up to the stairs leading to the girl's Gryffindor dorms, but the stairs turn into a ramp as soon as HUGO, ALBUS and JAMES set foot on them. LILY continues to walk up stairs

Hugo, Albus and James: (in unison) stupid charm. 

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now