When we switched bodies for three minutes

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Rose: Hi Scorpius! Wanna study in the library?

Scorpius: Sure. 

They go to the library

Rose: Are you any good at Divination?

Scorpius: Is anyone?

Rose: She somehow interpreted my dream of eating a salad as an early death. 

Scorpius: That sounds like Trelawney. 

Rose: Yeah, why did I take that class anyways?

Scorpius: To prove you weren't a clone of your parents

Rose: Yeah... that's right. 

Scorpius: Hey, look! The lock on the forbidden section of the library is broken!

Rose: Should we tell Madame Pince? 

Scorpius: She'll blame us!

Rose: Wait, look at that book right there! It fell...

Scorpius: Yeah, the title is... Corpora switch... what the...

There's a flash of white light and they sit up... looking at themselves.

Scorpius: ROSE?!


Scorpius: You're me! (looks down) and I'm you!

Rose: How do we change back?! I like you, don't get me wrong but...

Scorpius: (shrugs)

Rose: Let's just try to live each other's lives until we figure this out.

Scorpius: This isn't a movie Rose...

Rose: Do we have a better option? Well, let's owl our parents first, but...

Albus walks in

Albus: (grabbing Rose) Scorpius, I have it!

Rose: (looking at Scorpius)

Scorpius: (mouths) Just go. 

Rose and Albus leave. 

Albus: Scorpius, you told me you like Rose a few days ago, right?

Rose's jaw drops

Lily comes up behind Scorpius

Lily: Rose, we need to talk. 

Scorpius pales

Scorpius: Alright, where should we go?

Lily: Are you okay?

Scorpius: (fake smiles) Yeppers. 

Lily: Okay, Rose would never say that. 

Scorpius: I mean... yeah, I'm great. 

Lily: You're not acting like yourself. 

Scorpius: Whaddaya mean? I'm Rose...

Lily: You're not Rose!

Scorpius: Okay fine. I'm not. 

Lily: Wait seriously?

Scorpius: I'm Scorpius. Rose and I had this freak magic accident and now we've switched bodies. 

Lily: NO WAY!!!! THAT'S SO COOL!!!!!

Scorpius: No it's not! Albus just dragged Rose away to talk about who knows what...

Lily: Uh oh. 

Scorpius: What?

Lily: Albus was gonna talk to Scorpius... well you... about his... your... crush on Rose. 


Madame Pince: SHHHHHHHHH!

Lily: (Whispering) We better get out of here. I have an overdue book, and she's giving me the look that Medusa would turn to stone at...

Scorpius: Yep, let's get outta here. (Grabbing the book) With this, and we'll see if we can find Rose. 


Rose: So, you're talking to me about how to attract Rose?

Albus: Yes. Her favourite flowers are lilacs...

Rose: They're white roses. 

Albus: Excuse me?

Rose: I..I mean Rose... only said that because I... she... needed to keep something secret from the world, I... she... was tired of the world knowing everything about her. 

Albus: Scorpius?

Rose: Er.. what?

Albus: (narrows eyes at Scorpius) What did I get you for your birthday?

Rose: (without thinking) Covergirl mascara.... whoops... 

Albus: Rose Jean Granger Weasley why do you look like Scorpius? 

Rose: After a freak magic accident... we switched bodies. 

Albus: Oh no... I just exposed Scorpius! He will never forgive me!!!!

Rose: I'm pretty sure he will, he's so sweet that he wouldn't hold onto anger like that but... can I tell you something?

Albus: What is it?

Rose: I think I'm crushing on Scorpius. 

Albus: 😲😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Rose: Albie?

Albus: Don't call me Albie. 

Rose: Albie Albie bo balbie banana fanna fo falbie me mi mo malbie... ALBIE!

Albus turns red

Scorpius: 'Ello maytes!!!

Albus: Scorp, you're not Australian, you're British.... 

Scorpius: Okay, but how do we fix this?

Everyone shrugs. 

Well, we... hey wait, I'm looking at... Rose?!

Rose: Our bodies switched back!

They hug each other, quickly get embarrassed and pull away

Scorpius: So, I'll see you around? 

Rose: (A soft smile playing at the corners of her mouth) Yeah. We will. 

They go their separate ways, both full of hope. 

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now