Cursed Child Part 2

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                                             Act 1 Scene 7

ROSE is looking at the wall in the Gryffindor common room, trying to determine what Atticus meant, and why he even came to talk to her

Rose: I'm just a kid... why on earth would he want to talk to a fourteen year old girl? This is really creepy... should I tell my parents?

Lily: Who are you talking about?

ROSE looks at LILY, who is wearing fuzzy socks, fairy wings, and a unicorn horn headband

Rose: Nobody. 

Lily: mm...

Rose: No, really, I was just pacing. Across the room. Over and over again..

Lily: While talking about a creepy person?

ROSE sighs and LILY  goes next to her

Rose, if there's something creepy going on, you should tell your mum. 

Rose: No.... I don't want to. 

Lily: Why?

Rose: (Frustrated and snappy) I just don't!

LILY takes a step back and ROSE takes a few deep breaths

Rose: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. 

Lily: Please just tell your mother. She will listen to you, she wants to keep you safe!

Rose: I'll just... I'll just go to bed now. 

ROSE walks upstairs and LILY sits on the couch

Lily: Maybe I'll just owl Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione. 

LILY walks upstairs, and HUGO comes down

Hugo: Alone. Again. (sighs)

James: What do you mean Hugo?

Hugo: James? Oh, sorry... I just feel like nobody really cares about me sometimes, you know? I'm just Ronald Weasley's shadow. Rose handles it better, but it really bothers me. 

James: Hu, sometimes you just have to own it. 

HUGO looks at JAMES and sighs again

Hugo: Just... forget what I said. You have important stuff to do. 

James: I can talk. Just tell me Hugo.

JAMES puts his arm around HUGO

Hugo: Goodnight, Jamesie. 

James: I'll go to bed, but just know, I'm here. 

We fade to a soft black as JAMES walks offstage

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now