Act 2 Scene 6

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ROSE, HUGO, ALBUS, LILY, JAMES, and SCORPIUS are sharing a compartment. ROSE, if possible, looks even worse, and JAMES, LILY, and HUGO are getting increasingly worried about ROSE, ALBUS, and SCORPIUS. 

Lily: Alright, what's going on?

Albus: (pause) Nothing. We told you. 

James: I find that really hard to believe. Rose, are you okay!? I haven't seen you smile in weeks!

Rose: School is stressful, James, and life is stressful. 

James: But you've always handled it well! Grandmum is gonna flip!

Hugo: She is gonna force feed you until you're back to normal. And, she's gonna poison your food with a sleeping draught. And then she's gonna make you tell her what is going on. 

Rose: I am fine. 

Scorpius: Yeah, we all are. 

Albus: Um, yeah. We are fine. 

JAMES, HUGO, and LILY don't buy it, but ALBUS, SCORPIUS, and ROSE are keeping it up. 

James: Mum will get the truth out of you. We all know it. 

Scorpius: But do you really want to know?

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now