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Summary: You are Stiles's der sister, and you are in a secret relationship with Parrish until your dad finds out...

“My dad’s almost here,” you pulled away from Jordan before sighing.

“When are we gonna tell him?” he wrapped his arms around your waist while you pressed a kiss to his cheek.

“I don’t know yet… my dad is crazily overprotective. All of my last boyfriends broke up with me after one conversation with him!” your voice was hushed, not wanting to attract attention.

“Well, your dad knows me,” he started.

“Exactly! W-What if he fires you?!” you replied.

He sighed, before nodding. He pressed his lips against yours.

You sunk into the kiss, closing your eyes while you felt his hands travel down your waist.

A small moan escaped your lips before you gasped, hearing your dad’s keys unlocking the door.

You pushed Jordan away from you, clearing your throat before fixing your clothes, running your fingers through your hair.

“Oh, Parrish, (Y/N/N), didn’t expect to see you two here,” Noah leaned against the door.

“Y-Yeah, he was just keeping me company while we were waiting for you,” you lied.

“With the door locked?” he raised an eyebrow.

“I didn’t realize it was locked, sorry sir,” you could see Jordan clench his jaw as he walked out of the officer, rubbing his head in frustration before looking up at you.

“So, Dad. How’s your day going?” you wrapped your arm against his shoulder.

“Dealing with Stiles, as per usual. Did you know he went to Mexico over break?” Noah asked.

“I thought he was going camping,” you replied.

“Yeah, in Mexico. Well, Stiles is on his way here, and then the four of us can get out of here. What do you say to a small family dinner?” Noah asked, crossing his arms.

You were slightly confused, frowning.

“D-Did you say four of us? Dad, do you have a girlfriend?!” you exclaimed.

“Parrish!” you heard your Dad call him as you froze, your face dropping.

“Yes, sir,” he said, walking into the office while he glanced over to you, slightly confused.

“You two do know I’m not an idiot, right?” he asked.

You continued to act like you didn’t know what he was talking about.

“No, not at all, sir,” Jordan shook his head.

“I’m okay with the two of you being together,” Noah sighed.


“Uhm,” you started.

“I’m not an idiot. I don’t want you to end up alone, and I trust Parrish, okay?” Noah turned to you.

You let out a breath of relief as well as Parrish, while he wrapped his arms around you tightly.

“No more sneaking around in my office, okay?” Noah raised an eyebrow.

“Thanks, Dad. A-And sorry,” you laughed nervously.

Parrish pressed his lips against yours while you smiled, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

“Oh, eww, no! What the hell is that?!” you heard Stiles’ voice from behind you, causing you to turn around.

His mouth was ajar as he stared in shock, with a disgusted look on his face.

“Please tell me that was like a pity kiss or something and you’re not with him,” Stiles scrunched his nose.

“Oh, shut up, Stiles,” you rolled your eyes, while you and Parrish walked out of the station, hearing Stiles complaining behind you.

Word count: 561

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