I'm not scared

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Summary: Derek begins to push you away after you get hurt because of him.

Derek had been different.

Every morning since what you had dubbed as ‘The Incident’ he was out the house before you even had the chance to wake up.

He couldn’t talk to you, touch you, or even look at you for any amount of time without the feeling of guilt swallowing him whole.

You knew he felt bad and blamed himself for what happened, but you were tired of him pushing you away to wallow in his own self loathing.

You decided you were putting an end to it today.


Derek came home to a quiet house. Usually the sounds of you cooking or at least a tv could be heard. He listened for the sound of your heartbeat, one he could easily pick out even in a crowded room, and followed it to your shared bedroom.

“Y/n?” He called walking out to the middle of the room.

That’s when you attacked.

Using your element of surprise and all your weight, you tackled him to the bed, flipping him over so you were left straddling his waist as he laid under you. You knew based on his recent mannerisms he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to push you off of him, so he was ultimately trapped for the time being, or until you decide to release him.

“Y/n, what are you doing?” He asked looking up at you.

“What I have to,” your arms moved and you flung your shirt off, throwing it into a corner of the room. His eyebrows furrowed and his gaze traveled down your body then stoped when they reached right above your hips. He sucked in a breath, tensing up underneath you.


The twins each had one of Derek’s arms gripped tightly. Kali went to grab you but you were willing to put up a fight.

You dodged some of her swings, narrowly avoiding her razor sharp claws. That was until you noticed the twins battling with Derek.

“Derek!” You called out, which was a mistake. You let your guard down just long enough for Kali to sweep your leg, which knocked you down and took your breath away.

She grabbed you and hoisted you up above where Derek was being restrained.

“No!” Derek realized what their plan was and attempted to jerk away, but it was too late. Kali had dropped you right onto his exposed claws. A scream sounded throughout the room along with the small wimper of ‘no’ coming from Derek.

Both Kali and the twins left without a word, but the message was clear.

Isaac was quick enough to grab you and pull you off of Derek before his nails could sink any further.

Blood gurgled up in your mouth and Isaac screamed for Boyd to call an ambulance.

Derek had shifted back to normal and came over to cradle your body in his arms. The water around the three of you became stained a bright red.

“Hey, hey y/n look at me okay?” He begged, pushing some hair out of your face. Your eyes lazily met his and you smiled.

“Hey Der Bear,” he shook his head and gave a small laugh at the nickname.

“We’re gonna get you help, Boyd and Isaac called an ambulance I just need you to stay with me. Please.”

“I don’t think I can,” your eyes fluttered shut even with Derek’s pleas invading your ears and his bloodied hands gently shaking your body.


The ambulance had arrived a bit later, immediately rushing you to a hospital where you had to spend 2 weeks there because of the ‘animal attack’ you had been in. Or at least that’s what Derek told the staff.

You were cleared to go back home, but a difference in Derek had already began to appear.


“Derek,” He continued to avert his eyes. “God, you can’t even look at me. Is it because of the scars? ...do they make me look unattractive to you?” You whispered out in a hushed tone, tears pricking in your eyes.

His eyes went wide and he sat up, making sure you were still situated on his lap. “No baby, it’s not that at all. It’s just everytime I see them, it reminds me of what I did. Of how I hurt you.”

“It wasn’t your fault, I’m fine Derek.” He remained quiet and his fingers ran lightly over the scars that now decorated your hips. Ones that were caused by him with the help of the Alpha Pack.

“Stop telling me you’re okay when I know you’re not. I see how you flinch, I know how your heart races every time I get near you. You’re scared of me.”

“I’m not scared of you.” Your hand gently grabbed his jaw and guided his eyes up to meet yours. His eyes began to water when they finally met your gaze.

“Yes, you are I can hear your heart-“

You laced your fingers with his and placed them on your heart. He felt the strong steady beat underneath his hand.

“I’m not scared of you.” Your heart didn’t falter once as you repeated the statement. “There’s no way I could ever be scared of you.”

“I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

“I don’t need an apology, Derek. I won’t ever blame you for what happened.”

His lips pressed aganist you and you kissed back immediately, hands roaming his chest while his rested on your hips.

“I love you, so much.” Your foreheads touched while he cradled you in his arms, pressing light kisses along your neck for the remainder of the night.

Word count: 945

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