A little more

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Summary: Y/n wants more attention from her loved one, but he doesn't know about her feelings.

What could possibly go wrong, when you’re invited to your friend’s - who’s also your neighbor - party? You were a little excited to meet his high school colleagues because they were important to Stiles. He was always saying that they’re a huge part of his life, and it was truly a blessing to meet such amazing people.

It all started great, dare to say, perfect. You were having fun, listening to some music that played from the speakers, and Stiles was singing terribly. When his high school friends came, it didn’t get much worse. At least not at the beginning. After being introduced to them and having interesting conversations, accompanied by shots of vodka, your mind was getting filled with more and more destructive thoughts.

You felt alone, despite spending time with a group of people. The only one person you knew, had many other friends that wanted to talk to him as much as you did. Stiles wasn’t ignoring you, he just tried to give everyone the same amount of attention, but it wasn’t an easy task.

At some point, everyone gathered in the living room, wanting to sit down and eat all the snacks the host had prepared earlier. You sat there too, on a big couch, between Stiles and his friend, Theo.

Well, actually, Stiles said that he still doesn’t trust this man, therefore calling him a “friend” was not accurate, but he felt that he has to invite him. You didn’t say anything then, deciding that you’ll ask him about details later.

His friends immediately started talking about some things from high school, making weird references and jokes that you couldn’t understand, even if you wanted to. You were asking Stiles about a couple of things, but he was responding very casually, that’s why you stopped, not wanting to interrupt. You felt left out, and you were not able to hide it.

Your leg started bouncing nervously, as you faked a smile and sipped the drink slowly. The girl sitting next to Stiles, on his right side, was getting extremely comfortable and touchy with him. She was beautiful, her ginger waves and long eyelashes made you doubt your own looks.

You liked the way your relationship with your neighbor looked. A little friendly, but also flirty, neither of you were bothered by that and decided to go with it. But now, seeing him with that gorgeous woman, you felt insecure.

He mentioned earlier that he had a crush on her in high school, but claimed that it’s over. Then why he seemed to be enjoying talking with her?

It’s hard to admit, but you’re the jealous type. The thoughts in your head were making you more and more anxious, they were so strong that you couldn’t hear anything outside your head. This overthinking made you completely ignore the things that Theo was saying to you. You saw him moving his mouth but didn’t hear any word he said. Everything around was getting blurred, yet you didn’t blackout.

A man’s hand took yours slowly and gently, getting both of you out of the living room, while others have stayed there. You didn't even notice that your eyes were watery until he started wiping them out. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” You recognized Stile’s voice, even though you still weren’t seeing the best “I know that you can feel a little overwhelmed, meeting that many new people at the same time is exhausting.” He added before you got the chance to respond.

“I should be the one saying sorry. I also shouldn’t have come here if I knew that I feel bad around people. And these are your friends, not only was I interrupting but also ruined the whole night.” You started apologizing, feeling embarrassed by the previous actions, though you weren’t able to recall them.

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