Full moon

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Summary: The full moon approaches and Y/N has trouble controlling her powers, Jordan stays with her throughout it.

Jordan had been with you through more than most, well you’d both been through more than most couples had, when he’d explained he was a hellhound, fire included you’d almost laughed, instead you’d teared up, surprised by how relieved you were as he explained just how he came to the realization and discovery of what he truly was and everything supernatural that seemed to leak from this town.

You were nervous as the full moon approached, normally you had no problem controlling yourself, but the more time you spent with Jordan the harder it seemed for you to control yourself, you assumed it was that weird posturing thing that almost every were-creature you’d come across does, whether or not they know they’re doing it. You were also nervous about finally confessing to Jordan the truth, he knew you were involved in the supernatural but you knew he didn’t know how far. You weren’t sure what his reaction would be so you knew you had to tell him now, so he could decide whether or not he wanted to be around on the full moon.

“So uh, like do you do the whole wolf thing, but like a coyote?”

“Wolf thing?” You tilt your head at Jordan who grins a little.

“Yeah like rawr…”He mock growls and gnashes his teeth.

“Oh my god you think I look like that?” You’re laughing and he huffs.

“I mean I didn’t know were-coyote’s existed until like a month or so ago, so just cut me some slack!”

“Yeah, I uh, have control issues.” You shrug a little and he nods.

“Does, I mean is it safe for me to stay with you? Do you want me to stay?” He seems nervous still and you bite your lip and nod.

“If you want to stay with me, I don’t want you to feel like I have to be like puppysat.”

“You’re not a puppy, besides I’m interested in seeing what you’re like a little more wild.”

“I can fully shift, usually I have to, since finding peace and all that stuff Scott rants about all the time.” You grin a little and Jordan laughs.

“Mhm, Scott can be a little long winded but he means well.” Jordan offers and you huff a little.

“What babe?”

“I’m a little bummed you don’t turn into a big fiery hellhound.”

“Perfect for cuddling on a cold winter night like tonight?” Jordan grins before kissing you, pulling you onto his lap.

“Has your Coyote form ever been in the snow before?”He grins and you shake your head.

“No, I’d much rather just stay in and cuddle with you.” You wink at him, pressing yourself onto his chest before returning your lips to his.

”Y?N?” Jordan doesn’t sound nervous beyond trying to figure out where you are in the house. You’re curled in your bedroom trying to avoid the way your chest keeps tightening and your arms ache. You don’t have a headache yet and you wonder how cliche this actually looks, the werewolf movies showing your body splitting open and hair growing in. You’ve been assured it doesn’t look like that and your actual shift doesn’t take a long time, you’re just hoping Jordan has a hard enough of a time trying to find you that your shift will be done with.

Jordan had seen you snap earlier in the week, your eyes shimmering and your fangs sharpening at whatever threat your instincts decided was a threat.

”Y/N.” Jordan sighs and you look up, trying not to grin at him, he’s wearing a sweater, clearly intent on taking you out into the snow.

“Babe relax.” He mumbles and you glare at him the hoodie he’d helped you get on, the hood hiding the fur on your forehead. Jordan is just as patient as he was helping you get it on sliding the sleeves over your claws and making sure none of the hoodie was tugging at any of your fur.

“This is dumb.” You half growl half laugh when you can taste the cold more than feeling it with the amount of fur and clothes Jordan had wrapped you in. You’re surprised how over protective he is, you’re still mostly human, barely looking any different if you keep your hands tucked into the sweater but he carefully sets you down onto the snow laughing when you immediately grab a snowball to throw at him.

Word count: 763

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