Watching over you

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Summary: Scott is being protective with his Beta, but things lead into kissing and more.

"Come on, Scott. This is ridiculous!”

Scott only shook his head, pausing in his pacing to stand in front of you who was sat in his bed. You stared up at him, brow raised as if daring him to try and explain himself out of this one. Scott frowned, biting his lip. “It’s not ridiculous,” he said shortly, sighing in defeat afterwards.

“I was literally asleep,” you stressed, rolling your eyes. With a huff, you leant back, placing your hands behind yourself so you were leaning on them. “Whatever you think is going to happen, won’t. Just because Theo never did anything to me, doesn’t mean he will.”

“He literally tore us apart,” Scott huffed, desperation flooding his voice. “Everyone but you hates me. I can’t risk losing you too.”

With a frown, you pushed yourself to a stand, taking the few short steps over to Scott. You grabbed his hands with your own, in an effort to ease him and pulled his gaze on you. Smiling up at him, you nodded at him reassuringly. “You won’t lose me.” You whispered, staring into his eyes. “Nothing Theo can say or do would ever pull my apart from you. I love you.”

The frown marring Scott’s lips didn’t leave and you found yourself more worried than annoyed, as opposed to moments ago. “Just because he may not manipulate you, doesn’t mean he won’t hurt you.” 

“I can protect myself,” you shrugged, not seeing the problem.

“You’re my beta,” Scott reminded, stressing the word my. “I’m suppose to protect you.”

“Liam’s your beta, and i don’t see him anywhere.” As if to tease Scott further, you turned your head, slipping your hand from Scott’s and wrapping it around your mouth. “Liam? Are you here? Lia-”

Huffing, Scott snatched your hand again, pulling it away from your lips and glaring at you. “It’s different, and you know that.”

Biting back your smile, you took another step towards Scott, so your chest was pressed against his. Slipping your hands from his grasp, you wrapped them around his neck, Scott easily accepting your embrace as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “I’ll stay the night, okay?” You whispered, burying your head in the crook of his neck. “That way you can protect me all night…”

Scott was not unaware of the sarcasm behind your words, but even so, he found himself smiling appreciatively down at you. Letting his hands fall on your cheeks, Scott leant forward, pressing his lips against your own. You immediately responded, tilting your head back and pushing your chest closer to his. With your arms around his neck, you let Scott guide you backwards, until you were sprawled out on his bed, Scott crouched over you.

“Where’s your mom?” You asked quickly, slightly out of breath.

Scott leaned forward, pressing kisses against your neck. “Night shift at the hospital.”

You nodded, smiling as you arched your back, tiling your head back to give Scott easier access. “Remind me again how this is protecting me?”

“It’s not… exactly,” Scott said simply, pulling your shirt over your head. “But it’s still watching over you. So shut up and kiss me.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Word count: 550

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