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There's a soft squeal from a tiny voice. Riley looks up from his laptop and grins. He kneels down on the floor with open arms, laughing when his child launches himself in his arms. The toddler squeals again when Riley starts poking his chubby belly.

Lottie can't help the huge grin on her face at the sight of her boys.

Riley's been working his butt off on his new album and he hasn't been able to spend time with his family. It kills him but he's managing.

Riley picks his son up and pops him on his hip, walking into the booth. He sits him on the wooden barstool then slides the headphones over his ears, chuckling as he adjusts them. He says something to him then their son starts singing his little heart out to his daddy's song with Riley.

His little voice.

This boy is the center of their lives.

They had no idea what the fuck they were going to name him until Lottie woke up in a hot flash. They originally wanted to use Riley as the middle name but nothing really goes well with it.

"C'mon, baby." Lottie smiles, taking her son's hand to pick him up.

Sam's tiny hands wrap around his mother's hair. He drops his head on her shoulder, his big blue eyes closing. Riley smiles, rubbing his back.

"We should get goin' on home." Lottie whispers with a smile. "It's past his nap time."

Riley smiles back. "I'll be home in a couple hours." Lottie leans up and kisses him then they're on their way back home.


Riley is home later than he was expecting. He's home past dark and he's totally exhausted.

All he wants is to curl up in his bed next to his wife but it looks like he'll have to make other plans.

Sam is cuddled up against Lottie, the oversized sheets practically swallow him and Riley grins. He kicks his jeans off and pulls a clean t-shirt on, sliding in next to his family, his heart smiling.

If someone were to ask Riley Green what he thought his future looks like, he would've never pictured this: the girl he's been in love with for his whole life as his wife and their child- their boy, sleeping peacefully between them. He probably would've said something along the lines of a house on a lot of land, maybe a wife and kid or two, and his guitar.

Check, Check, Check.

If Lottie was asked the same question, her answer would be completely different. She never in a million years thought that in her twenties, she'd be a wife and a mother. She's always told people that she's a rolling stone but here she is with her husband and son.

Lottie hums as she stirs, her eyes flutter open when she feels the bed shift. "Hey." She whispers.

"Didn't mean to wake you." He whispers back.

"I missed you."

His blue eyes run over her face. "You are so beautiful."

She blushes and looks down at their boy. "We did fuckin' good makin' him."

Sam is the perfect blend of Riley and Lottie. He's got some shoes to fill when he's older and they both know he's going to be a great kid.

Sam wriggles around in their bed. He reaches up and wraps his arms around his daddy's neck. He grins and rubs his back, looking over at Lottie who has fallen back asleep. Within seconds, Sam is asleep too.

His is his mother's son.

He rolls Sam back to Lottie and he almost instantly cuddles against his momma's side. Riley sneaks a quick picture before finally dozing off himself.

Let You Go - Riley GreenWhere stories live. Discover now