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"Anything else? Anything in your bedroom?" Riley asks as he carries a box out to the moving truck.

"I don't think so." She responds, looking around her now empty house. "Ready?"

"Yeah." He nods. "You?"

"Absolutely." She smiles. "Come on."

Lottie bounces behind Riley and she locks the door, setting the key on the front porch light.

She grins as she hops in the passenger seat, her legs cramped up so much that her knees are touching the dash. The moving truck didn't look this small when they picked it up. "I can't believe you bought another house."

"I think you're gonna love it." He winks back, creeping his way to the street.

"You gonna tell me anything 'bout it?"

"It's in Franklin."

"C'mon, Ri. You've been keepin' this a secret for weeks now."

"You'll see it when we get there."

She huffs playfully and drops her head against the back wall. "Wait, Franklin? What the hell?"

"Felt like I was back home without actually being back home. I wanted you to have that same feelin' but positive, y'know?"

"You're too sweet." She reaches over and squeezes his hand. "Thanks." Riley blushes back, keeping his eyes on the road.

It's a quiet drive, peaceful, down to Franklin. It's about an hour south of Nashville. Lottie dozed off when they hit the city limits, she's always been able to fall asleep on car rides no matter the length of the trip.

Riley keeps the radio on a low volume as she sleeps, a hand resting on her ankles while her legs are stretched out across the cab of the moving truck. She's got his sweatshirt clutched to her chest while hers is bunched up between her head and window.

He pulls into the long dirt driveway and his smile grows. He bought this property with Lottie in his mind; she's always wanted a big house with a lot of land and he got that.

He'd do anything for this girl.

He parks the truck and turns it off. "Wake up." He whispers, rubbing her shin. "We're home." Lottie nods still asleep. "Lot..."

She stretches her legs out and yawns, rubbing her eyes. She looks over and him and smiles. "Hey."

Riley smiles back then slides out the cab. He fidgets with his keys then unlocks the door. "Home sweet home." He tosses his keys on the kitchen counter. "I'll start grabbin' 'em boxes."

Lottie smiles to herself as she watches him head back to the truck. Her eyes are trained on his ass in those damn carhartt's and she blushes. There's a part of her that's telling her to just spill how she feels about him but the other part is telling her that he doesn't feel the same or want the same thing.

Riley, on the other hand, wants her to be his girlfriend and maybe his wife someday. He's head over heels in love with Lottie that it's borderline painful. He wants to tell her how he feels but doesn't want to mess things up again.

She sighs as she watches him carry some heavy box in and she blushes again. "You are so strong." She mumbles, biting her lip as her eyes are trained on his muscular arms.

"I know that look." Riley smirks, setting the box labeled 'dishes' on the table.

"What look?" She asks innocently. "I ain't got no look." He chuckles and pops a hand on his hip. "I know that look." She shoots back, copying his stance. "Them boxes can wait."

Let You Go - Riley GreenWhere stories live. Discover now