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Lottie jolts awake, her heart racing and her chest heaving. She climbs out of her bunk and starts pacing.

She heads up to the driver. "Can I ask a huge favor please?" She whispers. She's keeping it quiet because it's three in the morning and everyone else is asleep. "Please?"

Their driver, Luther, turns his ear toward her. "What's up, Lottie?"

"Can you get off at the next exit you see a gas station? I need smokes."

"Sure thing. We gotta fill up anyways."

"Thank you." She pats his shoulder then plops on the couch behind him, her heart still racing from the horrible dream she just had.

Luther turns into a gas station and fills up. Lottie hops off the RV and heads inside.

She sighs as she walks around the store, picking up random things that sound good. She drops her snacks off. "I need two packs of, uh," She glances out at the RV, hoping Riley isn't looking at her. "Marlboro Ultra Lights, please."

Lottie gathers her things, pockets her smokes then turns to the door. Her heart drops into her shoes when she sees her ex boyfriend standing at a gas pump.

"What're- What're you doin' here?" She asks, clutching her purchase to her chest.

"Gettin' gas." Hoss shrugs. "What're you doin' here?"

"Smokes." She responds. "It's three in the mornin'."

"Yeah, I'm headed to Baton Rouge for a reunion." The gas pump clicks. He hands the handle back up. "What about you?" He looks her over as he snags his receipt.

"On our way to Baton Rouge."

"Really? On tour?" She nods. "Well, if you have any free time, call me."

She bites her lip and nods again. "We're there tomorrow night too."

"Good. See you 'round then." He shoots her a wink before climbing into his truck.

Lottie watches him drive off before she gets back on the RV and sighs heavily. She drops her snacks on the small table and tosses her one of her packs of cigarettes into her bunk, the other in the chest pocket of the borrowed shirt she's wearing.

She sits at the table, cracks the window open as far as it'll go then lights up. She blows the smoke out the barely open window and clears her throat. She can feel her head stop pounding.

"You okay?"

Lottie immediately drops the cigarette out the cracked window then turns around. "What're you doin' up?"

"Smelled smoke."

"Can't sleep."

He sits next to her, his curls a mess around his head. "Nightmare?"

"Been feelin' incredibly anxious since tour started." Riley wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her against his side.

"Whatcha wanna talk about?"

"Morgan called me." She tells him. "Told me he missed me." She tosses her phone onto the table before lighting another cigarette. "Said he's been thinkin' 'bout me a lot."

"What- What did you say back?"

"I said thanks." She glances between him and the table. "I don't even know what to feel anymore. I have so many things on my mind and I'm so stressed out, Ri." She finally shares, her head dropping in her hand. "What do I do?" Her voice starts to get shaky and squeaky.

He holds her closer, his hand running over the side of her head and through her hair. She starts to cry quietly, her arms wrapping around his neck as she scoots herself into his lap. "I'm sorry."

Let You Go - Riley GreenWhere stories live. Discover now