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Lottie huffs as she makes her way to Riley's bedroom. She groans when she throws herself on his unmade bed. Riley glances over his shoulder and laughs "You okay Lot?" He's sitting on the edge of his bed with his guitar in his lap. He moves his acoustic to the side and lays next to her, brushing some of her hair out of her face.

"Calvin's gettin' married and he wants me there."

"I'm assumin' this is back home?"

"Yep." She sighs heavily. "Will you go with me?"

"Yeah." He nods, taking her hand in his, brushing his thumb across the back of her hand. She smiles, her tired eyes watching their fingers before they start to close sleepily. Riley just lays and looks at her, their intimate moment replaying in his head as he runs his fingers over the side of her face and hair lulling her further into sleep.

Riley sighs. He knows how much she hates being home. She has good reason. His parents practically raised her as their own because her folks are assholes and emotionally unavailable but they valued their oldest, Calvin like a prize.

They were always there for Calvin's games or willing to help Calvin out if he needed money but when Lottie asked for help or invited them to one of her choir shindigs, they shut her down. She never felt loved by them but she kind of got along with her brother even under the circumstances.

He would be there for brotherly things like when her Jimmy needed something fixed, he'd tell her what it was so she wouldn't be taken advantaged of by the guys at the shop. He doesn't really know how to show his love but him actually taking time out of his day to talk to her is good enough for him. After all, he is his father's son.


"I don't wanna go." Lottie mumbles, gripping the strap of her duffle. "Riley, don't make me go." Riley groans as he sits on the kitchen floor with her, their backs against the cabinet doors and their legs stretched out in front of them. "They're just gonna make me feel bad about myself again."

"We can just stay for the day, right? After the reception or whatever, we'll come home."

"Thrown in a burger, cheap alcohol and a shitty movie, you got yourself a deal."

Riley laughs and pats her knee, giving her thigh a squeeze before standing. "C'mon, we gotta get on the road."

"Riley." She whines when he pulls on her hand. He laughs again, getting her to her feet. "C'mon." She groans as they head to his truck.

He tosses their bags into the bed of the truck. "Can you pull up directions?"

"Take forty to sixty five." She sighs, tightening the lap seat belt.

About an hour into their trip, Lottie starts to get restless. She's bored and slightly horny, she hasn't been laid since that night with Morgan and that was a few weeks ago. She's gone longer without getting fucked but that intimate moment they had still in her mind.

She crosses her legs and looks over at him, her lip tucked between her teeth as she leans back against the door. "Whatcha need, baby?" He asks, one hand on the thin steering wheel and his other elbow resting on the lip of the window.

"Just, y'know..." She blushes, licking her lips. "Can we talk about what happened?"

"With what?"

"Us... that one night..." Riley's blush goes from his ears to his neck. "When we almost..."

He smiles shyly. "Sorry about that."

"Would we- would we've done anythin' if we didn't have that fight?"

Let You Go - Riley GreenWhere stories live. Discover now