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Two Years Later


"I don't know what's goin' on." Lottie sighs, looking over another negative pregnancy test. "Maybe we're doin' somethin' wrong."

"Y'all aren't doing anything wrong." Caleigh says, giving her hand a squeeze. "Sometimes it just doesn't take."

"You're probably right." Lottie drops the test into the trash. "We could go see a doctor."

"Yeah, run some tests. Getting advice from a medical professional is the way to go."

"I'll call my doctor." She nods. "Get an appointment set."

"Hey baby!" Riley shouts from the kitchen. "I'm home!"

"That's my cue." Caleigh says, picking up her purse. "I told Michael I'd be back an hour ago." She laughs to herself. "Let me know how things go, okay?"

"For sure. Thanks Cal." She gives her a hug then sends her on her way.

"What we're you girls up to?" Riley asks, setting a twelve pack of beer on the granite kitchen counter top.

"We need to talk."


"What's up?" He asks, his heart beating in his throat.

"I think we should go see a doctor."


"Why the fuck I'm not pregnant yet." She huffs. "See if it's the medication I'm on or if there's somethin' up with you and your guys or if I just... can't do it."

"Sure." He nods. "That sounds like a plan." Lottie kisses his cheek then picks up her phone to set an appointment.

They've been banging like bunnies for the past few months and she still hasn't gotten a positive test yet. Either something is wrong with the tests she bought or something is wrong with her and her husband.


"Low sperm count?" Riley asks, his cheeks heating up. "What- What does that mean?"

"It just means that-"

"It's my fault she can't get pregnant?"

"Well, no-"

"Then what the hell is it!?"

"Ri." Lottie says in a quiet yet sharp voice. "Let her talk."

"Sorry." He sighs shakily, his elbows on his knees.

"It's genetic." The doctor says. "One in three couples struggle to conceive because of low sperm count; it's nothing too, too serious. Pregnancy is going to be more difficult, yes, but not impossible." She states. "So just keep doing what y'all're doin'."

"Thanks, Doc." Lottie sighs, standing.

Riley silently follows her back out to the parking lot to her SUV.

Let You Go - Riley GreenWhere stories live. Discover now