Yuuri: He stole you from me!!!! HE CAN'T HAVE YOU IN HIS LIFE!!! You... are mine... Akio...

Akio: Yuuri, what's going on with you...? This is not Yuuri I know and love...

Yuuri: I had enough for being nice to everyone else... When they came here, I could feel something's not right... Something bad will happen... and this is what I meant!! Akio!! You can't love them!! They're from another world!!!

Akio: *kneeled down* Yuuri... I didn't said I love Sonic!!!! Sonic is the one who start it first!!!

Yuuri: *look at Akio* ... You have to obey me... as any brother would do... You won't go anywhere!!!

Akio: *look at his neck* Please let me go... I don't wanna being captive!!

Yuuri: Sorry Akio... I know you would find Sonic and Shadow... I won't let you do that... *walk away and leave*

Akio: Yuuri... YUURI!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE HERE!!! Somebody... Anybody...

*Yuuri close the cell door and walks outside, burst into tears*

Yuuri: Please forgive me, Akio... *take out knife* I know even after I release you... you still don't listen to me...

Akio: Yuuri!! Stop!!!

Yuuri: Huh?! *look around* Akio?! Where are you?!

Akio: I'm still inside the cell! I communicate you in your mind... Please Yuuri, whatever you do, don't kill yourself!!

Yuuri: Akio... 

Akio: I still care about you!! Without you, who will give me blood to drink? Who will lullaby me to sleep? Who will make me smile? You're the only one who still be by my side after my family died... I don't want to live alone in this cruel world... *cries* Yuuri...

Yuuri: *drop the knife and run back to Akio* Akio!!!

Akio: *looks* Yuuri...?

Yuuri: I'm sorry... I don't know what I even thinking... forgive me... Akio...

Akio: *hold Yuuri's hand*  Please let me go... I promise that I won't be fall into Sonic's hand...

Yuuri: *let Akio out from the cell and hug him* Mark me...

Akio: Huh?

Yuuri: I want you to mark me... If you mark me, that means you accept me as your love partner...

Akio: Mark you? How?

Yuuri: Do anything you want on me...

Akio: *look at Yuuri's neck* C-Can I... bite your neck?

Yuuri: ah... About that...

Akio: *pinned Yuuri down and lick his neck*

Yuuri: *moan* 

Akio: *looks* Yuuri... I never heard you moan before... You're so cute when you moan like that~

Yuuri: *gasp* I... shouldn't moan like that...

Akio: Well, you don't need to feel shy or embarrassed...

Yuuri: (Wow... this is new... Akio never seduce me before... Sonic must be teaching him this...) Okay... I'll move my head to the side so you can mark me...

Akio: *smirks* sure...

*As Yuuri move his head to the left, revealing his neck, Akio start to bite gentle and deep into Yuuri's neck. Yuuri gasp and hug Akio tight has his blood getting drained. Akio sighs cutely as he keep drinking. Yuuri make a soft moan to make Akio dig more into his neck. Later, Akio pulled out and lick his lips.*

Akio: Oh god! Your blood is the most delicious, delicate and toxicated...

Yuuri: Ah~ Glad you feel that way... *hug Akio* 

Akio: What about Sonic and Shadow? Are they be able to find the shrine?

Yuuri: *sighs* I'm planning not to help them but... if you said it's dangerous out there, then let's go and get them before anything could happen!

Akio: *smile* I love you... brother...

Yuuri: Eh?

Akio: You're just like a brother to me... you're older than me and you always taking care of me all the time...

Yuuri: *smile* Brotherly love?

Akio: *nods* Yeah... Now, let's find Sonic and Shadow before anything happens.

*And so the two agrees to get back to Sonic and Shadow. But they don't know that Sonic and Shadow is already in a great danger while finding the last Chaos Emerald.*

*To Be Continued*

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