140) Voldemort and Wormtail, Sitting in a Tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G

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Wormtail untied Harry, who landed on shaky feet. I struggled in my bonds again.

"Wormtail, show Harry what you'll do if he decides to run away," Voldemort said lazily.

Wormtail pulled off my gag, then casted the curse "Crucio!"

It didn't hurt as bad as losing my finger, but it definitely didn't feel good. I stiffened in my bonds. I yelled out curses and shut my eyes tightly. After a few moments, the pain ended.

"Fuck," I muttered, then looked up at Voldemort. I narrowed my eyes. "Dude, really? Pettigrew's eaten chunks of cheese with more cunning plans than this."

Voldemort wasn't amused, "I'll cut your tongue out once we're done here."

"Nice try, Tommy-boy, but we both know you'd miss my quips," I said. "You know, Tom is a fine name, and Riddle isn't a bad last name, but is your middle name really Marvolo? Like, what is that, a washing detergent?"

Wormtail walked over towards Cedric's body, picked up Harry's wand, and brought it back to my friend. He made his way back over to stand beside me.

"Hey, hey Wormie," I whispered loudly. "Did you know that Tommy likes you? Yeah, he told me not to tell you."

"You're stupider than I thought," Voldemort's eye twitched, "if you're willing to taunt me in such ways. I think you can recall what I did to you four years ago... the scars shouldn't have faded yet."

"What you did to me?" I rolled my eyes, though in reality, I was terrified. "It was Quirrell's work. Why'd you pick Quirrell as a host, anyway? Like, I know you just explained it, but he's... Quirrell. He's only likable in the musical, you know. Oh! Oh! I get it. You chose Quirrell because of the turban! You did look much better when you were hidden under it."

"I will be chopping more than your tongue off if you don't quiet," Voldemort said airily.

"Do you — d'you mean my dick?" He just stared at me. "Oh wow, that's weird. Okay. I'll stop talking now."

I don't think he'd meant my penis (he'd probably meant my head), but the threat still stood. I did not feel like loosing my manhood.

"You have been taught how to duel, Harry Potter?" Voldemort turned to look at Harry.

"Don't worry, Harry," I whispered loudly, and my friend turned to look at me, terror and masked amusement darting across his face. "It'll be like taking candy from a baby. Of course, some of us would find that to be difficult." I shot Voldemort a look. He shot one back. "Okay, shutting up, please don't chop anything off."

"We bow to each other, Harry," Voldemort said, bending a little, though he still kept his face up. "Come, the niceties must be observed.... Dumbledore would like you to show manners.... Bow to death, Harry...." The Death Eaters had started laughing. Pettigrew had tangled his silver hand in my hair, and had his wand pressed harshly into my cheek. Harry glanced at me, his face hardened, and he turned back to Voldemort. He had clearly chosen not to bow. "I said, bow." Voldemort raised his wand, and Harry suddenly bent forward, as if a giant, invisible hand had pushed him down. "Very good." Voldemort raised his wand and Harry bent back to normal, his eyes wide with fear and defiance. "And now you face me, like a man... straight-backed and proud, the way your father died....

"And now — we duel."

Voldemort didn't give Harry a chance to react — he raised his wand, and Harry collapsed, the pain from the Cruciatus Curse overwhelming him. Once Voldemort pulled back, Harry shot to his feet, and promptly stumbled into the Death Eaters, who all pushed him back.

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