86) No Chic-Flic Moments - Wait, Wrong Book

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Hagrid didn't show up at all for a whole week. We had gone to his hut in the attempts of talking to him, but he'd never answer his door, even as we could hear Fang barking on the other side.

Grubbly-Plank continued to teach Care of Magical Creatures, and Draco had started up the taunting again.

It had been nice, the brief time in which Draco had been... not nice, but he wasn't being a butt. Sadly, Crabbe had made a comment about how he was acting weird, and he knew that if Crabbe had noticed, it wouldn't be much longer until his dad found out.

"Missing your half-giant pal?" Draco whispered to Harry whenever Grubbly-Plank was out of earshot. "Missing the elephant-man?"

Harry would sometimes retaliate to the comments, and sometimes he would just scowl and walk away. No matter what happened, when Harry was gone, I could see the dark look on Draco's face.


Halfway through January, with about five weeks until the second task, there was a Hogsmeade visit. I went with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry kept looking guilty, as if he shouldn't be going with us, but I wasn't sure why.

As Hermione and Ron were arguing about Krum, whom we'd passed on our way to the village, I asked him about it.

"Ah, it's just..." Harry looked a little lost for words for a moment, then said, "I should be catching up on my Diviniation homework."

I looked down, "You don't have any Divination work. What is it really?"

Harry looked at me nervously, opening and closing his mouth, as if he didn't know what to say. Finally, he spoke, "I lied."

I nodded, waiting for him to continue. He didn't say anything, so I asked, "How so?"

"I told Hermione I knew what I was doing for the second task. I don't."

"Oh," I said, frowning. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?" Harry blinked in surprise.

"I'm sorry I won't tell you what the task is," I said, looking down.

"Percy, don't be sorry about that," Harry sighed. "I know... Ron can especially be pushy about you telling me what's going on, but I know you. I know that you're gonna do your best to help me, without cheating. I know that even though you won't tell me what the task is, or what's happening, or any of that, you're still going to make sure I'm okay."

I nodded slowly. I hadn't realized how much me not telling Harry had been weighing down on me until that moment. It felt as if a weight on my shoulders had been lifted.

I smiled slightly, "I, uh, I won't help you, but I think... did Cedric give you advice for the task?"

"Yeah," Harry blinked in surprise. "How'd you know?"

"When I was leaving the dance, I saw you guys talking," I shrugged. "You should... take his advice."

Harry frowned, "It was a little cryptic."

"Well, maybe that's all he knows," I shrugged. "He probably hasn't gotten it all figured out yet. But you should do what he says, soon. It'll help. Whatever it was."

Harry nodded, then smiled, "Thanks, Percy. You know, this sounds weird... but I'm kind of excited for the second task." I must have made a weird face, cause his eyes widened. "No, no, uh... it's just... we haven't done something together in a long time. Like, we've been together, but we haven't really been —"

"I've missed you too, Harry," I smiled. "And I get it. It used to be just the two of us, working towards a common goal, whether that was annoying Dudley and Co. or getting me to pass a spelling test. Even if it's gonna be scary and terrifying and likely scarring, it'll be us again."

Harry looked relieved, and I couldn't help but grin, "Now, no more sappy moments, I can only handle so much chic-flic in one day."


Walking into The Three Broomsticks, Harry muttered, "I was hoping Hagrid'd be here."

Even through the large crowd, I could tell Hagrid wasn't there. As we ordered drinks from Madam Rosmerta, I saw someone else that was there.

"Doesn't he ever go into the office?" Hermione spotted him just as I did. "Look!" She pointed at the reflection in the mirror behind the bar, and I frowned. Ludo Bagman was sitting in a shadowy corner, surrounded by goblins. He was talking quickly and quietly to them, trying not to focus too hard on their menacing faces.

I frowned. It was strange that he was here, whenever there weren't any Triwizard events, and nothing for him to judge. Most of all, it was strange how strained the kind-faced wizard looked.

Bagman looked up, and spotted us in the reflection. More specifically, he saw Harry.

"In a moment, in a moment!" Bagman called back to the goblins as he stood and hurried towards Harry.

"Harry!" Bagman said cheerily. "How are you? Been hoping to run into you! Everything going all right?"

"Fine, thanks," Harry said, looking a little uncomfortable.

"Wonder if I could have a quick, private word, Harry?" Bagman eagerly turned to the rest of us, as if just realizing we existed. "You couldn't give us a moment, you three, could you?"

"Er — okay," Ron said, leading us away to go find a table. We found one tucked away against the far wall, and attempted to ignore the stickiness of the seats.

"Whatd'ya think that's about?" Ron asked, watching Harry and Bagman from across the room. They'd moved across the bar, as far away from Madam Rosmerta as they could be. That was understandable. She is such a gossip. "Maybe stuff about the tournament?"

"I don't know, why would he have Percy stay then?" Hermione wondered, twirling around her butter beer.

I somehow still thought it was about the tournament. He'd always favored Harry (as everyone seemed to do), and I wouldn't be surprised if he were offering help.

For a moment, I saw that same guilty look Harry had worn earlier flash on Harry's face. Then, Harry glanced back at me. We made eye contact. The guilty look flushed away, only to be replaced with one of casual defiance. I smiled softly. Harry wasn't gonna get help from another person. He was gonna do it without Bagman's help. As Harry turned back towards Bagman, I took a happy sip of my butter beer.

Things were looking up, for the first time in my life.

I get to get a haircut soon (: It's been so long. I've got really thick hair, and it's gotten annoyingly long, and it's choppy since the last time I got it cut it was done by my grandma. But I get it cut on Saturday. Big happy. I leave for rock camp on Sunday. Also, Happy late Pride month! I forgot to say it last chapter cause I didn't realize it was June, so sorry for that. To my LGBTQA+ beauts, I hope you have a wonderful month, and I love you all so so very much.

Anywho, I hope you have had a whimsical Thursday, and Ill see you on Saturday. Love ya!

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