I continued to smile, to bother him, keeping my eyes on Gitten until the bell rung.


3rd Person POV

Throughout the day, Virginia endured through many uncomfortable conversations. What Bracia had said stuck with her. "I don't have that same option you do. The wear-a-blonde-wig option. Yeah. I can join leadership. I can do field hockey and be high honors, but I can't change my skin color. I can't modify it the same way you can, and that's just fact. And I know how it is with those girls." She had pretended she didn't know what Bracia was going on about, but she knew. She always know. How they'd laughed at her when her hair had puffed up and the brush was basically stuck. How the guys talled her 'bro' and 'homie.' The comment Maxine made about Black people on her first day. Samantha. Speaking of, she had even spoked to Samantha that day. She was desperate for any word of why Maxine might be mad. "oh no! IS there Y/iG-MAN drama? That's too bad. See ya." The way she mad mocked her still made her blood boil. Who even drinks an oat milk latte with one ice cube?? What a needy bitch.

"Hi, Hunter!" When I heard her say my boyfriend's, or ex-boyfriend's, name I froze. "Hunter, I'm working." I swung along tot he side of the kitchen, grabbing an order. "Look, we both said some seriously screwed-up stuff. But... I... I feel terrible. I don't want it to end like that."

"I don't want it to end at all." I handed a plate of food to someone. "You don't?" I received another order and then went to go make it. "I know things got heated and ugly, but...I miss you. I...I love you." Joe interrupted awkwardly, "Ginny, we are really busy right now, so..."

"Uh, are... are you coming to Sing Sing later tonight? We can talk after." She began taking orders from again, after a moment of spacing out, and brought a plate over to table 8. "Are you OK?" Ginny shook her head, so Joe brought her over to him and around the counter. "Hunter just told me he loves me. All my friends are mad at me, and I don't know what I did. I can't lose them because I've felt lonely in every single school until now. And they all hate me. And I don't really know if I love Hunter. To be honest, I might have a crush on Marcus." The last part came out as a whisper. "But how do I tell my sister, my twin, that? She's gonna hate me. And I know, I know, brutal honesty."

Y/n walked into Blue Farm with Marcus, shades, and a plan.

Y/n's POV

"Aww. Cool shades." I smiled as I sat down at the bar counter. Joe handed me my usual milkshake and Marcus, the same one. "Oh, these old things? Thanks. They're my mom's..." He asked if he could see them.

I handed them to him with a mischievous smile and Marcus's face mirrored mine. We had something to talk about after this, but we had to do this first. The first steps in getting my Mom and Joe together. "These are, uh...Yeah. These are vintage Ray-Bans. These are super rare." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah. She says they're the first nice thing she's ever owned! Apparently, a stranger gave them to her at a rest stop when she was a kid. 'These sunglasses and half a sandwich changed my life.' Whatever. She says they're lucky. Like a sign of hope that means that her life could always get better. She let me borrow them."

"Um...Yeah. A horse named Milkshake."

"She... She... She kept those the whole time, huh?" I smirked, seeing him realize. "What?" She shrugged in a confused and excited way, with a big smile. Aww, he really liked her! "That's wild. Um...Nothing. I... I just...I guess that's a really long time to...keep a pair of sunglasses. Right? I mean, that's gotta mean something." I nodded enthusiastically. "I know! She must really, really," I drew out the 'reallys,' "value the person who gave her those." He smiled to himself and played with the glasses, before returning them to me. I sat them on the table as Joe walked away. "Well that worked."

"Of course it did. It was my idea." He rolled his eyes and took a sip of my milkshake. I slapped his hand and he squeaked. 

I heard my mom come in and get settled a few feet from he. She didn't notice us yet. "Georgia." She replied, "Joe," to the man in front of her. It was happening and I was so here for it. "There's something I've wanted to say to you for so long, and now's the time to say it." I closed my eyes, in anticipation. "Hey! Show me the ring!" I opened my eyes and Ellen was there, looking at the ring on my mother's finger. "Oh my God. Way to go, Paul." I rolled my eyes and banged my head repeatedly against the table. Come on! Fucking hell. "Right? Sorry, you were saying, Joe?" He shook his head, looking distraught. "Nothing. It can wait. Congratulations." I got up and followed him out the door. "Joe, are you OK?" He whipped back around, angry. "You know, why'd you tell me about the stupid sunglasses?" I tried to get out that I was sorry, but he cut me off. "I just need five."

I sighed and dragged my feet while I walked, in defeat, slumping back into my chair. "It's okay, you can always try again, right?" I looked at Marcus and gave him a weak smile. 

I saw Ginny behind him and remembered why I had needed to speak to him in the first place. "Anyway, this is important. Did you tell Maxine we were dating?" His eyes widened and he shook his head fast enough to snap it. "No, of course not, why?"

"Well, someone told her." His eyes illustrated his, and my, fear. "She knows?" I gulped and slowly nodded.

"She knows."

(A/N): I hope everyone's dong great today! I finished running a food drive yesterday y'all, so sorry for not posting, as I was gonna yesterday. But, I am today! A bit of drama in the last few chapters. I am proud to say that I've finally finished the story and that the last chapter will be posted next week! I really started this book off as a joke and I'm so happy to see that so many people genuinely enjoy it! 

Once I finish, I will be starting off on a few books(that I acc already started in my drafts). They're all different HP books(Fred & Draco) and I am gonna finish my Draco texting story. I also had an idea for a Ginny x reader, but idk ab that cuz it really depends on what people wanna read. Oh and you guys can tell me about any of your ideas too! See you guys next week then!

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