Ginny? - 19

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TW: Quick mention of force


I swung open the door to reveal Marcus, with a shy look on his face. "Hey, Maxine wants Ginny to come over and you too, but I wanted to hang out with-" He looked behind me and I followed his gaze to Samantha. She stepped back, bumping into the stairwell. she looked around and gulped.

"It was you."

I looked behind me to see two girls. Both looked like they'd seen a ghost. One was looking at Marcus and one was just staring into space, with a wide eye. After looking between then, I turned back. Marcus slightly shook, as his finger stretched in both of their directions. His pointed kind of between them. His eyebrows joined in a fierce gaze and his other hand slowly turned into a fist. "It was who?" He didn't even look at me or nod in a specific direction. He just continued to stare forward. "Her." I frowned; now, who the fuck was he looking at.

He walked forward, slow and menacing. "You." Both of them gulped and took a step back. I was slowly getting a headache and I wished he would be a little more clear. Then, my phone started ringing. he finally turned to look at me, and then my phone.I looked at him and shyly put my phone behind my back. "Well, answer it," said Ginny, out of her daze for a second. I saw Bracia flashing across the screen and picked up the phone. "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm kinda busy." I heard little murmurs of 'mhm's coming through the phone. She started speaking, but I couldn't hear her. "Because of Marcus? Or Ginny?" I looked at Ginny suspiciously and she shrunk back a bit. I put the phone on speaker. "What do you mean, because of Ginny?"

"Oh, well I thought you'd know."

"Know what, exactly?"

"She said she was gonna do something about Marcus apparently cheating on you?" Huh? "Last night? Did she not go through with it? I saw her talking-" I cut her off, "Talking?" I heard a small 'oh.' "Well, I had to make sure there weren't any people still in my house. I just checked the camera."

"What camera?" Ginny walked around Samantha and Marcus to me. "My mom had a hidden one in our living room downstairs? In a painting?" This unlocked a memory from that night for Virginia.

There was a painting that she pushed back into place onto the wall. I walked over for a closer look and Norah followed me, doing the same. It depicted Venice, the monuments strikingly beautiful over the water. There was even a boat with people inside. I didn't remember what those boats were called, but they sure were pretty. "The picture's so nice!" I nodded, in agreement with my friend's words. The people at the bottom of the picture were wearing old-timey outfits. I got down again and squinted to see the little description at the bottom. Italy at Night, 1956, Alexander Benecio Rossi. After these words, something red shined at me. Maybe it was a jewel or something?

She understood now that it was a camera. And that it had recorded part of her drunken daze. "What'd I do?" Bracia sighed into the phone, sounding as though she was pulling something out. "Well," She began to describe what she had just watched.

Ginny waved her hands around, as if she was touching things. She saw objects floating around and she grabbed them all out of the air, smiling and giggling like a mad man. Wow, everything was like magic! Things kept floating around in front of me and it was so pretty. The lights were blurry and fun! I saw an ocean and a boat and an L in the middle of the room. She danced and waved in front of Bracia's L-shaped couch, almost slapping the portrait on the wall. The camera blared red at her as me moved around, catching everything. Something red flashed at me. The music was slow and fast at the same time. Someone walked over to me and I waved with a smile, urging them to come over." A brunette sat down in front of her, smiling. Her hair was long and hid her face. The white girl fixed her shades on her face. Isn't this fun? There are rainbows everywhere!" The person sighed and sat me down on the L. It was squishy! "Nice seat!" I patted it with both hands, squeezing the cushions. Ginny went from grabbing the couch, to almost crying. I should tell Hun- Then I frowned and sniffled, my eyes filled with tears. "Whats wrong, Ginny?" The voice sounded familiar, but Bracia couldn't place it. "Everything's wrong!" I lay on the couch, with the person sitting in front of me on the floor. She was pretty. The girl's head turned and she saw- no she was wrong- someone sitting there. She got up and made eye contact with someone that the camera couldn't see and walked out of the frame. Another girl sat down where she was sitting, completely replacing her, without Ginny's knowledge. She saw a hand out of the corner of the camera, before it disappeared.

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