Imagine Being Official - 6

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(A/N): Trigger Warning: Abby and the tape(if that might be triggering for you, i'll give you a warning of when to skip)

Down, down, do your dance, do your dance
We got a brand new dance

Norah squealed ear ripping loud and grabbed her boyfriend Jordan to do the dance.

Down, down, do your dance, do your dance
Oh, oh, oh

Press booty-bumped Abby to me and I bumped her back. Maxine came to my side, touching my arm and winking. Still like your brother...

Down, down, do your dance, do your dance
Yeah, yeah

Down, down, do your dance, do your dance
New style

They say I'm a rapper, and I say no

They say, "What you doing?" Tryna to do somebody cold

I just let the music come from my soul

I saw Marcus in the corner looking for something. He seemed to find it and his eyes locked in. Oh. He was looking at me, duh. I smirked and waved him over to come join. He shook his head, but I waved again. He rolled his eyes, but still came over. Yeah, yeah Down, down, do your dance, do your dance

Let me see you do

Down, down

Do your dance, do your dance... Marcus attempted a little dance, but ended up tripping on his own ankles and bumping into his sister, who pushed him back. After a while, he gave up on his clumsy dancing and walked out of the gym. I thought he was frustrated, but I heard him laughing.

Press called our mom hot, which made me feel weird, so I went to get food. "Mom, stop staring at me. It's creepy. Can you go chaperone
somewhere else for a while? Mom. Can you hold on to these for me? Thanks." I rolled my eyes. "Just because Press said something pervy, doesn't mean you can be rude to our mom, Virginia. Go suck Hunter's cock." With that, I grabbed some food and water. Ginny stormed away angrily like a crazy person. "Y/n, don't speak to your sister like that." I stopped grabbing my food to look her in the eye. "She can't just act all crazy and you just let her be rude to you. You literally birthed her, she doesn't need to be rude for no reason. You do a lot for us and it's annoying to see how ungrateful she is."

Mom stopped what she was doing and reached over the table to squeeze my arm. "You know you're my favorite, right? I really appreciate you, Y/n." I nodded with a grin and she waved me away. "Go have fun! Suck off that 'Marcus' kid or somethin'. You know, I have a tip-" My nose scrunched up, "TMI mom, T.M.friggin I." The thought of my mother knowing that made me feel weird, but I went to *talk* with Marcus regardless, pushing past those feelings. I didn't know where he was, though, so I went to the locker room to look presentable, avoiding the over-crowded girls bathroom. I got tot he locker room and made a beeline to the mirror, fixing my lipgloss and checking myself. That's when I heard a whisper from the mirror, "Yass qween, you look so seggsy" I screamed and stepped back from the mirror.

Someone dashed from behind it to scare me again, laughing hard: Marcus fucking Baker. "You're soo funny. Like, 'oh no, the mirror is talking to me!'" I slapped him upside the forehead and walked out, my foos still in hand. "Wait, come back! I'm sorry, that was shitty, wasn't it?" I nodded, my arms crossed. He motioned for me to sit by him, on the floor. I shook my head and pointed to the seats. you know how many people did god knows what on those tiles?? no thanks. "Can I have some of that?" I pushed the plate towards him; I got it for the both of us, assuming he'd be hungry, and there was a shit ton of food on that plate. You must be special for me to share food with you. "How are you? You look slightly upset." He shrugged, "I don't know what it is, actually. Maybe a combination of my best friend dying last year and not spending enough time with you?" He chuckled sarcastically with a frown.

I let him sit in silence for a minute before responding. "I'm sorry. My friend died too, I understand how that can feel." After that, we sat together in silence before he apologized too. "I can't change either of those things, but I can change how much time I spend with you, if you'd like that?" He gave me a weak, steady smile. "Sure, I'd really like that." He pushed the plate to the other bench and leaned in for a hug, which lasted for quite a while. I turned to look at him. Honestly, he was quite a regular guy. Basic white boy with brown hair, which seemed to be everyone's type these days. But behind his eyes were a sense of both darkness and maturity. And even though his smile was not seen often, it truly was a wonderful thing to see. This was a guy I definitely liked and, for the life of me, I couldn't stop. I didn't want to potentially like him more than he liked me, but I didn't see how I could like him less. 

IT'S COMPLICATED -- MARCUS BAKERWhere stories live. Discover now