Bow to the Queen, Bitch - 4

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Marcus's POV

I pulled back to see Virginia Miller under me. Fuck, Shit, I fingered the wrong twin.. "I- uh- I'm sorry, I thought you were- she- I-" I gulped; she looked pissed and I didn't know what to say. She shouldn't have let me if she was gonna get this mad.  She whispered-yelled at me, looking around her room to make sure no one was listening. "What the hell?! You did -that- to me and I just went on a date with Hunter today! How didn't you know I wasn't my sister? Why did you want to do that to my sister in the first place? What am I gonna do now?!" I took a step back, tripping on my sister's jean jacket on the floor, with my hands in front of me. 

"Please calm down, I'm- I'm so sorry, it was a mistake, honest. I- I like your sister and- yeah." She stood there watching me for a second and then burst out laughing. "You were all like 'oh no, don't hurt me!' I'm still pissed at you, dickwad, but I just want you to get out. Don't tell anyone. I'm guessing you don't want Y/n to know anyway. I will make fun of you for liking my sister later, but get out of my room now, I need to think. She's in the adjoining room. Next time, go into the right one. And I don't wanna hear anything!" With that, she shoved him out of the door and slammed it. Fuck, she'd thought. That was her first sexual experience and the guy thought she was her twin.


I'd been waiting Marcus to show up, doing random things to occupy myself. At the moment, I was a few stitched from finishing a bralette and was watching the meal I'd be cooking for my family the next day on my Macbook. I was the family chef, as I was the only one who had a knack for it. I was gonna teach Austin tomorrow though. Ginny yelled and slammed the door. I wondered who she was speaking to. I heard, "I thought you did that to me...liking my sister," as I processed this, I got a knock on my door. "It's open!" I saw the door open to a guy; oh, it's just Marcus. His hair looked unusually ruffled, his clothes wrinkled, and I realized he'd walked from the direction of Ginny's room at the end of the hall. Of course. "Hey neighbor. How are you?" I looked away and edged further away on the bed from him. He came and sat, so I got up. "I don't get it. What's wrong?" I stood my ground calmly, "Did you and Ginny fuck or something? You came into my room from hers looking all messed up. Am I wrong?" He bit his lip and dropped eye contact. I knew it! "Wait, it isn't like that! I thought it was you and-"

"Huh?" Marcus shook his head, "I'd been thinking about you all day and I wanted to, to be with you, I guess. I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I paced around the room, "Didn't mean to what? Flirt with me, take my sister's virginity?" He tugged on his hair and sat on the very edge of the bed. "I didn't...." He whispered what he'd done and I didn't know what to think. It wasn't as bad as I'd thought, I guess, but I was still mad. "You hate me, don't you?" He looked like he was punishing himself enough, without me adding onto it. I could barely hear anything he said and I know he'd have bald spots if he ripped at his hair any harder. "No. I don't hate you, Marcus. Come here. You're gonna pull your hair out." He scooted over and gave me a hug, apologizing profusely. I leaned in and kissed him, "Please stop apologizing. You're giving me a headache." 

Marcus kissed me again, lying down with me in the bed. Our legs became intertwined and the kissing became more deep, passionate. He began to take off my shirt, but I touched his hand. "Not tonight. You fucked my sister with those hands. Gross." I stood to grab my pajamas. "Why am I here if you don't wanna fuck?" I gave him a look that said, 'say that again and die.' "I'm sorry, I was just joking. But, um, please don't tell anyone at school that I got all sensitive. It'll ruin my rep." I laughed, getting my clothes out of the drawer. "What rep? You have no friends. but, yeah, sure, you idiot." He got up and took off his clothes, leaving his boxers on. "What? I have to change too!" He got back in the bed and turned over to face me. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be back."

IT'S COMPLICATED -- MARCUS BAKERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon