Chapter 48

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A week had passed by Wei Ying staying unconscious.Madam jiang and lan zhan were always by his side.Leader jiang forced his wife to take a break sometimes but she would quickly get back to his son's side.but no one could force lan zhan as he stubbornly never left wei ying's side.Lan zhan would not eat properly or sleep enough.He would caressed wei ying hair or face or would grab his hands kissing it.
Madam jiang had grabbed wei ying's other hand.He would tell lan zhan about wei ying's childhood while looking at unconscious Wei ying.
"He was so cheerful and playful.One day he planted flowers but neighbor's dog destroyed all his efforts, do you know what he did ?he cut dog's hair.After that he came and did not tell us what he had did. Until the neighbor came and showed us a dog his hairs were cut messy.The dog's face was so funny.
When we asked wei ying he pouted cutely saying he is just innocent kid but the neighbor told us he saw wei ying cutting it.Wei ying couldn't deny this time and said "Please tell your dog not to mess with my garden!he destroyed it!you as its owner should take responsibility for your dog!"
That time wei ying accused the man .The man was shocked how could little boy talk like that.
I remember He would climb every tree he would see.But once he slide from tree and broke his leg and arm. he didn't listen to us and with that injured hand and leg continued playing with his sibling.He was full of energy ,unstoppable!!
He is strong boy and kind hearted."
Madam jiang smiled at Wei ying's face.
"When we talked , half of the words coming out of his mouth was lan zhan.wei ying truly loves you!He would always say"lan zhan is so kind,so sweet, he has a kind heart" my son deserves happiness not lying unconscious here.If it wasn't for me he wouldn't have been harmed,he sacrificed himself for me.He always says he is sorry for everything but i am the one who should say sorry to him." Madam jiang cried.lan zhan's tears were falling quietly.Suddenly both of them stopped crying and first looked at wei ying then each other.
"Di-id you feel that?" Madam jiang asked.
Lan zhan nodded as a positive response. Wei ying squeezed their hands.They waited eagerly for wei ying to open his eyes
"Wei ying!!"
"Wei ying"
They saw the movement of his eyes trying to open.Jiang yanli who was beside the door saw their reaction and hurriedly called his brother and father to come.
Everyone gather their as wei ying slightly opened his eyes.He turned his head to his mom
Madam jiang with teary eyes "yes we are safe!"
Wei ying turned his head toward lan zhan as noticed his warm hand.
"Lan zhan!!" Lan zhan cupped his face with wei ying's hand ,leaning his head to his palm feeling warmth "wei ying!"
Wei ying accidentally moved his body suddenly but that slight movement was enough to make him feel the pain.
"Ahh!..."wei ying cried and shout his eyes tightly as the pain was unbearable. Streams of tears were dropping repeatedly as he couldn't tolerate the pain.His chest and waist were killing him.
They hurriedly called doctor while madam jiang and lan zhan tried to calm him down.
Doctor came quickly and gave him strong painkillers.As the painkillers showed their effects wei ying was losing his conscious.
"He would wake up soon again!" Doctor exited.
Few hours later,wei ying woke up to see the room empty.It was night time.Wei ying didn't see anyone and got worried.He tried to sit but it took him a while as he hardly sat,feeling pain in his waist and chest.This time he stood up by putting his hand on bed and other one on his waist.He felt a pain and wetness in his waist.Wei ying looked down to see his hospital cloth bloody.It seemed his wound has reopened but he didn't pay attention.He walked toward the door putting his hand on his surroundings to reach quickly to the door.His wound was hurting badly but he bit his lips trying to endure it.He didn't know what happened exactly after he was unconscious as he didn't remember he woke up once.He was worried something has happened to his family.
This was enough simulation for him to bear with pain.He opened the door and leaned on the wall to walk.He could feel more wetness now.Wei ying looked at his waist to see it more bloody.His chest pain was nothing in compare of this wound's pain.
"Wei ying!!"
"Wei ying!!!"
He looked up to see his mom, lan zhan, his siblings , his father running toward him hurriedly .
He was beyond happy to see them healthy.
"Mom!,lan zhan!"
"Why did you stand up?you are bleeding!" Madam jiang nervously scolded him.
Lan zhan held him immediately.
"Wei ying!"
"You were not there I thought something had happened!"Wei ying said while leaning more to lan zhan's warmth.His lan zhan seemed more pale and thinner.Wei ying cupped lan zhan's face.
"Why are you this pale?you don't look good!!!
Have you been sleeping and eating enough?" Wei ying looked at him daring him to lie.
Lan zhan remained silent.Wei ying knew when lan zhan didn't want to lie he would remain  silent.
"Lan zhaan!!!
"Wei ying wasn't awake.I didn't have appetite!"
Lan zhan said looking down like a child whose mother was scolding him why he did bad things.
"Wei ying you are bleeding!!get to the room !!"
Jiang cheng looked worriedly.
Lan zhan picked him up gently and put him on the bed.Doctor came examined him.
"His wound has reopened "
They treated him immediately .
He hadn't eaten anything for a week and was hungry like hell.Madam jiang picked up spoon, wanting to feed him soup but wei ying refused.
"I won't eat unless you eat first!Mother!you and lan zhan have become thinner!" Wei ying was stubbornly not eating waiting for them to eat.
"Lan zhan you too eat before my eyes!!!"
Lan zhan and madam jiang unwillingly ate .
"Wei ying you should eat!" Madam jiang fed him.
Wei ying ate this time.From other side lan zhan was feeding him.

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