Chapter 47

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A month had passed.Wei ying was still under observation resting and not overdoing anything.
Lan zhan was busy as he was helping wei ying's father and brother planning to get rid of wens.
Wei ying was being loved and cared by his mother more as they would spend more time together talking about everything.Ninety percent of wei ying's words were lan zhan as he was telling her from college days or when lan zhan confessed.His mother saw how his love was deep in love and was happy finally his son could feel happiness.

Attack day
Today was the day wens would die.Leader jiang gathered his subordinates and lan subordinates were supporting them too.Lan zhan didn't allow wei ying to participate.wei ying unwillingly stayed in jiang mansion with jiang yanli , his mother and ayuan.Bodyguards were protecting them.

Wen subordinates were on guard around wen headquarter.There number was suspiciously low.
Leader jiang gestured them to attach.They entered smoothly inside but it was so quiet for a headquarter.They sneaked inside killing wens to finally saw no track of wen leader or jins.
"Where is your leader?!" Jiang cheng put his gun on the wen main generals.
That general smirked"We are not the one on losing side,I suppose your mansion would be under attacked by now!"
They got horrified.They were deceived by  wens.
Jiang cheng finished him and they ran to the mansion.They called home but no one was answering.

Jiang Mansion
Shooting sound alerted everyone.Wei ying looked outside immediately to see wen subordinates attacking them.what are they doing here? Father was supposed to attack them!!
Wei ying noticed they were more than what his guards could handel.
"What happened?!!!" Madam jiang came with yanli holding ayuan.
"We are under attack.Wens are here.You should ran away as soon as possible!!!" Wei ying nervously told them.
One of guards came his face covered  "Master wei,we should get ladies out of here it is dangerous for them."
"Take them out i will stay here!"Wei ying prepared his gun as he was heading outside to help the guards.
Leader wen" wei ying i know you are there!!Stop fighting and surrender !"
Wei ying didn't replay and continued shooting.
All of the guards were dead and wei ying was shoot by his waist.He came back inside and saw his mother coming out of the roon with her hands up"Mom why are you he-"
Wei ying saw the person pointing a gun to his mother behind her.He was that bodyguard having a mask that wei ying sent his family with.
"Welcome master wei!let me introduce myself!"
Masked bodyguard showed his face.Wei ying was shocked.He was leader wen's son,wen kao.
"You!!!"wei ying was feeling like exploding.
The door behind him was opened wildly.
Leader wen entered smirking.
"Wow!what do we have here?!!" Leader wen laughed evilly.
"Let them go, if you're a man let's fight fairly!" Wei ying stared deadly at him.
"Ah!you say fairly okey let's enjoy the fight.Wen kao!Teach him a fair fight!"
Wen kao stood infront of wei ying and they started battle without gun.Wei ying was overcoming him that wen subordinates started attacking him and hitting wei ying mercilessly.
"You evil!!! Don't hit him!!" Madam jiang shouted as she couldn't do anything.They were hitting wei ying from every sight and wei ying was wounded from other side but he endured and fought them.Their numbers were increasing and finally he was hit badly that made him fall and receive even more hits.They cruelly hit  wei ying while he was lying on the ground could not even stand up as they didn't spare any mercy and hit him till death.Wei ying was bleeding and he was coughing blood.His whole body was aching.
His mother and sister were calling him.He heared his son's cries calling him repeatedly.He endured and hold his voice not to make a sound from pain.
Wen leader saw him keeping quiet
"What a strong boy!! Hit him until we hear his crying and begging us!!"
They continued hitting him this time more intensely.Wen kao hit him so badly that wei ying gasped in pain"Ahhh!!!"his scream was loud enough for satisfying leader wen and making madam jiang shout"Stop!!! Don't hit him!"
They suddenly stopped with leader wen's gesture.
Madam jiang was looking deadly at leader wen. As if she could kill him with her eyes.
Leader jin came out of leader wen's behind.
"Madam jiang if you had stayed with me none of them had happened !But you betrayed me and what i said if you betray me i will kill you!"
He pointed his gun toward madam jiang ,ready to shoot.Madam jiang closed her eyes waiting for pain but it was just a sound and no pain.
She heared yanli's cry calling wei ying and opened her eyes immediately to see wei ying standing before her.when wei ying saw leader jin ready to kill his mother he thought he couldn't lose her mother again and jumped in front of him , then feeling a sharp pain.He gasped in pain and put his hand on wound to feel warm liquid.He looked down and saw blood dripping.
He collapsed and madam jiang and yanli grabbed him.
"Wei ying!!!my son why did you do that?what should i do now!!!!"Madam jiang was crying holding his head.Wei ying smiled at her
" I..would rather...die..than..see you ..leave us again mom ..I can't lose ..anymore"
"No!! Don't talk ! Don't use your energy!" Madam jiang was nodding her head.Because of her,her precious son was hit.
Jiang yanli was holding his wound"wei ying!!! Brother please !!!mom!!he is bleeding immensely! it doesn't stop!! what should we do??
Brother !!don't leave us please!! Jiang yanli was crying wholeheartedly,her hands were all red as it was covered with his blood.Ayuan was crying beside wei ying "father!!father!!!"
Wei ying looked at his mother and sister
"Don't cry!!take care of Ayuan for me!!Ayuan!, forgive father!! I love you all !I am sorr-" his head fell to one side as he fainted.
"WEI YING!!!!!!!!!!" Madam jiang shouted from bottom of her heart.
A shoot in leader jin's head alerted them.Leader jiang had came with lan zhan and jiang cheng and lan xichen.They killed everyone except leader wen and leader jin as they grabbed these two alive.They four froze as they saw wei ying lying unconscious there while madam jiang hugging his head crying , yanli calling wei ying.
Floor was covered with wei ying's blood.Lan zhan immediately knelt by his side.His wei ying was so pale ,he had lost so much blood.Lan xichen called an ambulance quickly.Leader jiang and jiang cheng sat beside madam jiand.
"Wei ying son!!!!"
"Wei ying wake up or i will break your legs stop prank" jiang cheng 's tears streaming on his face.
"Wei ying !!my love ,open your eyes and tell me it is just a joke I won't get mad okey please!!!please!!wake up!!!!!" Lan zhan was holding wei ying's cold hands sobbing miserably.
Ambulance took him to hospital .He got again under surgery to took the bullets from his waist.
After a suffocating hours they took him out of surgery room.
Lan zhan , madam jiang ,leader jiang ,jiang cheng and yanli were in wei ying's room,the place he was lying unconscious.
"We took out the two bullets from his waist,his few ribs are broken,he had lost so much blood, his whole body was bruised.I just could say it is miracle he is alive.He really passed the death."
Doctor told them.

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