Forgive me?

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Jiang chenged rolled his eyes "Tch!Who said i will allow wei ying to marry you!You don't have our approval yet!"
Wei ying turned to him"father and shiji have given us her blessing ."wei ying showed his tongue to him."I don't need yours"wei ying said childishly .
"What?you didn't speak with father.How come you solved your problem with father ,you sweared you won't talk to him like usual until he tells you the truth.Wei ying be honest ,
what did father say that you haven't told us yet?"
Jiang cheng stared at wei ying suspiciously.
Wei ying scratched back of his hair and looked else where when he lies as usual "There is nothing important to tell we just talked and solved our problem"Wei ying was under pressure as he was trying to trick jiang cheng.His heart ached more than when they were eating lunch.
He tried not to grab and rub his chest to ease the pain as he was now infront of others.He thought to himself I have caused enough problem it is nothing i can endure it currently.but his face was getting paler and he could feel sweats on his back.I should quickly go to some where quiet.
Jiang cheng threatened him"I know something is off just pray it isn't something important "
Wei ying was relieved that jiang cheng let it go for now so he walked toward bathroom in that floor "lan zhan i will go to bathroom for a moment "Without waiting for his answer he hurried.When he close the door he bend down and clenched his heart.
"Dawn it ,why should it ache more frequent ?"
He rubbed his chest for a while until he thought it was less painful.He got out of the bathroom but encountered lan zhan looking with a frown on his face .
"Oh lan zhan you didn't leave?!"Wei ying took his hand out his own chest hastily.
"Does your heart ache again?!"
"No it is nothing i am fine"
"WEI YING!!!"lan zhan looked mad this time.
"It hurts a little i am sorry I didn't want to worry you"
Lan zhan remained silent ,grabbed his hand and dragged him toward wen qing.
"Lan zhan i am sorry don't be angry forgive me please?"
Lan zhan had decided not to be easy on him this time.Jiang cheng and lan xichen were chatting when they saw them.Lan xichen called his brother"Brother,what has happened?
Jiang cheng saw his brother crying asked angrily "LAN WANGJI! what do you think you are doing to my brother?"
They reached wen qing with lan xichen and jiang cheng following behind them closely.Lan zhan let go of his hand and talked to wen wing "examine him , his heart has been aching for a while"
"What?You were in pain again but you didn't tell us" jiang cheng got more angry and worried for his brother .
Wen qing checked his pulse while wei ying was looking innocently at lan zhan asking him not to be angry but lan zhan didn't spare a glance at him and was focused on wen qing's checking his pulse.
"When did it start again?"wen qing asked with a frown that appeared on her face.
Wei ying looked down and paused as he knew lan zhan now was staring at him this time "A while"
"When exactly?"wen qing dared him to lie again.
Wei ying gave up "When i woke up after i faint it was not that intense ,i could endure it but after lunch its pain became intense."
Lan zhan left the room furiously ,wei ying sighed desperately.
"You need to get under surgery "wen qing declared.
"How much can my heart take more?"wei ying asked.
"It is reaching its limits, maybe three months but the sooner you do the higher change of surviving"
Wei ying said determined "I have some important matters , I can't risk get under the surgery sooner."
Wen qing just shook her head at his stubbornness.Jiang cheng clenched his fits knowing wei ying knew something related to the reason why he doesn't go under surgery soon and was hiding it like always not wanting to make others worry.lan xichen saw his look and grabbed his clenched hands and rubbed it with his other hand ,trying to calm him down.jiang cheng calmed down immediately and blushed a little.These two were somehow always together after knowing each other,chatting privately or sitting in one place.Both were attached to other but not confessing yet.
Wei ying ran after lan zhan when wen qing finished.His lungs were seeking for breath desperately,preventing him from running anymore as he stopped to get his breath.Wei ying looked around while bending over but lan zhan wasn't there he must have been upstairs in his room with this thought he walked upstairs.
Wei ying opened the door slightly and saw lan zhan lied on the bed.He went and sat near lan zhan on bed.It seemed he was asleep,one of his hand was on his face covering his eyes.Wei Ying grabbed his free hand and took it near his own lips.His lips touched top of his fingers softly ,then his palm and after that his lips landed on his veins at his left wrist passionately.His lips lingered on them.His eyes were becoming teary , he didn't want to make noise and disturb his sleep.So wei ying put lan zhan's hand back and leaned forward slowly.Wei ying kissed his lips quietly but his stubborn tears were already streaming.He pulled back while covering his own mouth , holding his cry.He turned back and was standing up suddenly a hand pulled him back.He fell on lan zhan's embrace.Wei ying shocked looked up to see lan zhan awake.
"Sorry I didn't want to wake you up"wei ying wiped his own face but tears were coming nonstop.
Lan zhan wiped his face this time and pulled him closer.
Wei ying hugged him tightly "Lan zhan speak with me don't be silent.Scold me , be mad at me but don't be silent .I feel like it tortures me and i am dying "lan zhan's tightened the hold.
"Wei ying wasn't sincere"
"I will tell you everything so forgive me"
After a while a kiss landed on wei ying's forehead.
Just a word from lan zhan made him happy now his pain didn't matter to him anymore.He could endure more worsen one even.
"Thanks lan zhan"wei ying looked up at lan zhan.
Lan zhan pulled him upper and put wei ying on his body,holding Wei ying's balance with his hands.Wei ying cupped his face and kissed him conveying his love through the kiss.Lan zhan kissed him back and took the lead ,kissing wei ying vigorously making his head dizzy from pleasure.Wei ying was lacking for air.He pushed lan zhan a little telling him to give him a break.
Lan zhan bit his bottom lip as usual before letting him go.Wei ying was panting while it seemd lan zhan was starving for him.Lan zhan started kissing his neck,he bit down wei ying's adam apple.Wei ying gasped"Ah..lan zhan don't bite"
Lan zhan then started licking that part and suking it intensely until it become red.Then he lowered his head pulled down his shirt little bitting his pale skin on collarbone making wei ying moan into pain.Lan zhan was leaving his marks as far as he could.He changed his position with wei ying.Now lan zhan was on top of him.He kissed wei ying lips and suked them passionately as he was pouring all of his love into it.
Then he pulled up wei ying's shirt but wei ying grabbed his hand and prevented it
"I am scared"
"Trust me I won't cross the boundaries "lan zhan reassured him.Wei ying nodded slightly and lan zhan took out his shirt and his own shirt too.Wei ying's pale skin now was completely under him.
He continued leaving his marks all over his white pale skin.Lan zhan bit his nipple slightly while playing with his other one with his hand.
Wei ying moaned "lan zhan!.."
lan zhan started licking it then suking it intensly.
After he was satisfied with the swollen nipple he turned to other one .Bitting and suking it till it was like the other one.Lan zhan kissed his abdomen muscles as they were on form under the pale skin.His white skin now was full of red marks.wei ying's grip was tightening on his back pulling lan zhan closer to have body contact with his manly body more.lan zhan left his marks on him for a while.He then lied beside him pulling the blanket over themselves.Lan zhan kissed his lips .lan zhan asked him"open your mouth "
Wei ying did as lan zhan told him and now lan zhan was tasting him with his tongue vigorously.
Lan zhan 's tongue touched every part of his mouth,rolling with wei ying's tongue.Wei ying could never stand his intense kisses and melt in the kiss.Lan zhan sucked his lips for the last time bit his lips slightly not making it bleed this time but wei ying could feel the pain.
Lan zhan tightened his hug and covered wei ying's head with his hand.
Soon they fell sleep .

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