Wei ying's hope

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Lan zhan was holding wei ying calling him repeatedly.When wei ying lost conscious he hurriedly take him inside.Lan xichen informed doctors to come immediately.
Wei ying was lying on lan zhan's bed unconscious.Jiang yanli crying,jiang cheng worried , leader jiang nervous about his condition,lan zhan was crying wholeheartedly.
"Wei ying!wei ying!"he was calling for wei ying maybe he would open his beautiful eyes.
The doctors came and lan zhan let them examine him.
"He had a heart problem,i am not sure if it is cured or not.He told me he was treated and was fine."jiang cheng worriedly told them maybe that could guide them better.Everyone looked at him with shocked face especially his father and sister as wei ying had not told him about his illness to anyone.lan zhan's eyes filled with more worry for wei ying.
"What?since when?"leader jiang asked.
Jiang cheng paused unsure if he should say it or not "from explosion"His face turned painful.
Lans didn't know anything about the explosion but jiangs definitely knew which incident he was talking about.
"At that time his heart ached but he didn't tell anyone and I didn't even notice it until one day accidently i saw him bend down clenching his heart, with his other hand holding his mouth not to make a sound in his room.when he saw me he tried to make it look like normal but he even couldn't do that as he was in lots of pain.I wanted to take him to doctor but he refused stubbornly and told me he had wen qing treating him and she had told wei ying it is nothing important he will be fine.I think we should call wen qing to come here"jiang cheng recommend.
Wen qing came immediately with wen ning.When he saw wei ying she checked his pulse and frowned.
Wen qing said"His heart is weak,as he gets older its situation worsens.I have warned him ,this heart would last maybe a year.Three months ago, i told him He should get under a surgery but he refused and said that he was tired from everything and it doesn't matter how much he lives.There wasn't anything to link his soul to this world.until his heart got worsened,he came asked for more effective painkiller as his heart ached even more.I told him it wasn't that much late but he said he would definitely get treated as he got ayuan and someone he loved ,a new hope for life,but after he could get his revenge and kill jins he would go under surgery."
Wen qing went to doctors and talked about the test answer of his heart with them.
Lan zhan went beside him,grabbed wei ying's hand and squeezed it.Lan zhan was shocked to hear that his love was in a condition death did not matter to him as he didn't have any hope but his heart filled with joy when he heared wei ying decided to live because of him and ayuan.But now he wouldn't let anything happen to him.Lan zhan would make sure that wei ying would get treated completely and he would ask for marriage him immediately after that.Tears were finding their ways out of his golden eyes,rolling down on his cheeks.He bend down and kissed wei ying's forehead passionately then he wiped his bloody lips with wet towel.He treated his lips wound.
Then he caressed his pale cheeks that now was bruised with one hand.He clenched his other fist on the bed to control his anger.
Lan xichen saw his look and knew his brother was extraordinary angry.Leader jiang wanted to stood near him when lan zhan stood before him blocking him from getting close to wei ying.
"Brother!"lan xichen called worriedly.
Jiang cheng and jiang yanli were observing both cautiously as they did not know how would lan zhan react when he would have time to deal with their father.Ayuan had told them already about father slapping wei ying and it was obvious from his look.
Leader jiang could guess from their behavior that wei ying and lan zhan were more than just a friend."Move ,he is my son"
"Sorry,i can't allow you to hurt him again"lan zhan stood firmly and manly.
"Who are you to confirm it i can see my own son or not?"leader jiang glared at him fiercely.
"He is my soulmate and we love each other forever , no one can separate us"lan zhan said boldly infront of him .
"We will talk about your relationship later, it will depend on me and I would decide if i allow him or not"Leader jiang challenged him to see his reaction.
"I will take him away and elope with him."lan zhan shocked everyone with his answer.
Lan xichen was shocked when has his little brother got this bold , doing everything he could do to be with wei ying,even if they had not a chance he would elope with wei ying.He could not believe he was the always calm lan zhan who would make decisions wisely .
Lan qiren sighed desperately and shook his head at his niece who had lost his mind talking big in front of jiangs telling him he would run away with his son.
Jian yanli was surprised and happy that his brother had found someone who would do anything for him.
Jiang cheng wasn't big fan of lan zhan but he knew lan zhan would definitely take good care of his brother so he was somehow delighted seeing him confronting his father.
Leader jiang was also shocked at first.but it seems that lan zhan was interesting person.He had heared and observed lan zhan and the cold way he would treat anyone but seeing his determination and love toward his son ,he chuckled.
Lan qiren tried to meddle"leader jiang i would appreciate it if you forgive my niece.His love for wei ying is higher than anyone one's expectati-"
Wei ying's face twisted and he started crying innocently in sleep.His crying made him awake and everyone's focus was on him.Lan zhan sat quickly beside him asking worriedly
"Wei ying ,my love,wei ying can you hear me?"
"Lan zhan!"wei ying saw him and called him miserably.Wei ying opened his arms so lan zhan would hug him.
Lan zhan noticed and immediately hugged him.He helped him sat and patted his back gently.
"Wei ying don't cry tell me what's the matter?where does it heart?is it your heart?"wei ying just nodded negatively.
Lan zhan was confused about what was the problem so he let it stay like that and tried to comfort him.Lan zhan kissed his hair wiped his face.When he saw those hurt look in wei ying's eyes it was like his own heart was aching,he kissed his teary eyes,holding him even tighter.
"I am here.my love,my wei ying,you don't want to break my heart ?so don't cry."lan zhan's tears were falling silently when wei ying felt the wetness,he pulled back a little to see lan zhan crying.He hurriedly wiped lan zhan's face and told
"Sorry lan zhan ,i won't cry so don't cry anymore i am sorry.Don't cry ,I won't cry okey?"
Wei ying stopped crying and wiped lan zhan's face again,kissed his eyes and then his cheek softly.Lan zhan also wiped his face gently and put his lips on wei ying's forehead to calm down both of them."
When they parted wei ying noticed others were there whole time watching them.He blushed and hide his face on lan zhan's chest.Lan zhan had his usual face not showing anything but his ears were red.

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