Chapter 39

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Wei ying and lan zhan slept hugging each other until it was afternoon.Lan zhan felt little hand on his cheek,patting him slightly.He opened his eyes seeing Ayuan ,sitting on bed beside him trying to wake up him.Lan zhan looked at wei ying who was sleeping peacefully in his embrace and then he looked at ayuan again smiling as he was happy he had a family.
Lan zhan opened his free arm for Ayuan and ayuan happily got into his papa's embrace and giggled cutely.Lan zhan thought how similar he laugh like wei ying and kissed his son's head.
"Papa, they told me to wake up you two!"
"Mn,wake him up"
Ayuan stood and with his papa's help bend down on wei ying,Cupped his face and shook it.
"Father!!Father!wake up"Ayuan made noise.
Wei ying opened his eyes and saw ayuan,he was delighted to wake up near lan zhan and ayuan.
This was the happy family he had ever wanted and now he had it.but he thought I was not a good father for ayuan,I didn't give him enough love or took care if him these days.He wrapped his arms around ayuan and pulled him on his own body,hugging him tightly.
"My dear child,father is sorry not to spend time with you these days.I am not a good father.
Forgive me!"wei ying said feeling gulity.
"Father!!no you are good father.I know father was sad yesterday." Ayuan pulled back and looked at his father's eyes.
"Mn.Wei ying is good."lan zhan kissed wei ying's cheek.Wei ying blushed.
Ayuan saw his father becoming red and giggled adorably.

After lunch they hold a meeting.Wei ying was sitting close to lan zhan.Lan xichen had sat with jiang cheng,he hadn't left from yesterday,jiang yanli and leader jiang were also there.
"We have this meeting for saving my wife and your mother,We know now the truth.It is better to plan cautiously.We should confront Wen clan and leader jin."leader jiang looked at his childern numerously.
"I can ask my subordinates to track them everywhere.We should do everything secretly not getting their attention " wei ying suggested them.
"You must be out of this matter.The priority for you is your heart .You should get under surgery."
Leader jiang told wei ying firmly.
"No!I won't be out of mission and get under any surgery unless we save mom"wei ying said stubbornly.
"But your heart is weak,it may take long for us to save her and i can't risk your health"his father told him worriedly.
"Father!please!My heart isn't that weak and it doesn't ache !See i am healthy!"wei ying pointed to himself.
"Wei ying i will break your leg ,if you try to trick us more, i heared you calling wen qing telling her to give stronger painkillers and one of the maids saw you in pain clenching your heart she wanted to call us but you told her that wasn't necessary!" Jiang cheng stared deadly at Wei ying daring him to deny.
Wei ying got pale as he had tried his best avoiding suspicious from everyone so they couldn't forbid him from doing anything.But it seemed he failed.Wei ying looked fearfully at lan zhan afraid of his reaction.Lan zhan seemed angry and hurt ,anyone could tell with just a look.
Lan zhan got up immediately and left them there.
Wei ying went after him calling
"Lan zhan!lan zhan!please wait!"
Lan zhan continued walking away out of the house with nowhere destination.wei ying walked after him for an hour calling his name.He was panting as he couldn't walk anymore.His heart had already started playing with him.He dawned his heart who couldn't be a little more stable.He didn't have time to waste on his aching heart,he should first calm down lan zhan.So he continued walking after him wiping sweats covering his face  ignoring his warning heartbeat and its pain extending through his chest.He forced his legs to walk after him.Lan zhan was passing a cross walk and it was still green.Wei ying hurried to pass it quickly not to miss lan zhan.Lan zhan was already on the other side of the cross walk . wei ying was seeing the dark spots when he last glanced at green light becoming yellow,telling himself he can teach there before red.But the crosswalk was long enough for him.He was in middle of the crosswalk hurriedly passing when someone smashed to him on left side,then saying sorry without even looking at wei ying ,passing by.Wei ying thought that hit was the most unfortunate thing that happened to him as his chest felt like being hit by knives thousands time.
He was stopped like that in the middle and the car horns were ranging on his head.He was lacking of any energy.This feeling was like dying and finally he collapsed.People gathered around him,checking him if he was alive when they noticed his weak pulse they immediately called ambulance.Lan zhan who was hearing wei ying calling him ignored him all the way.It was a punishment for wei ying.But when he didn't heared him anymore he thought maybe wei ying was just walking silently behind him but when he looked back he noticed there was no wei ying.He walked back a little and saw people gathered in middle of the crosswalk and there was a traffic.
He heared that someone had collapsed as he saw who was unconscious he regretted that he had left Wei Ying alone.Lan zhan worriedly knelt beside him on the ground and took his pulse,it was weak,a bad sign.
"Wei ying!wei ying!"
There was no response.The ambulance came that moment and took wei ying.Lan zhan went beside him to hospital.lan zhan called jiang cheng to inform everyone to come.leader jiang and lan xichen,jiang cheng and yanli came immediately as they heared wei ying was in hospital .When they reached the ask lan zhan what happened and he told them everything.Jiang cheng glared at him angrily"you should not have left him alone" lan zhan looked down as he was feeling gulity even jiang cheng hadn't told him.
The doctor checked him and looked at the tests.
"He had this condition numerous times it does not seem like his first time and it won't be the last.We found painkillers with him ,it seems he always carry them with himself.It is one of those strong ones that reduce pain immediately but it has side effect on heart making it more weak.Let me be honest he doesn't have much time with this heart.His condition is serious.Does he have a doctor to check him?"
"Yes he is already checked by a heart doctor " leader jiang answered.
Doctor walked away and they visited wei ying who was resting in a room.They waited for him to wake up and after 4 hours he slightly opened his eyes.Looking confuse as he couldn't remember why he was in hospital?.He remembered wanting to pass crosswalk ,someone hitting him then darkness surrounding his world.Everyone gathered around him when they saw him awake.
"Are you okey?"Jiang yanli asked first.
"I am fine"wei ying told her assuredly.
"You silly boy,when you are in pain just tell us you are in pain why you always play tough!!!!!"
Jiang cheng growled.
"I just had a litte heartache .Why are you making such a fuss?"then as he remembered lan zhan he stood up immediately,face paling "lan zhan!where is he?I should find him"
Lan zhan came from back of everyone as he had thought he didn't deserved to be near him.
He forced wei ying lie down again.Wei ying was relieved to see him,he cupped lan zhan's face "thanks god you are here! I can not bear to see you hurt."
Lan zhan paused for a while then told him sadly avoiding eye contact "I am sorry.I should not have left you"
"Lan zhan!"wei ying called him,wanting him to look into his own eyes.
"Lan zhan" no response.
"Lan zhaan!"Lan zhan looked into his eyes.
"I am sorry that i hurt you everytime.It is not your fault,i am the one to be blamed.I didn't want to worry you and i thought if you don't know about my heartaches it was better but it seems that I have messed up."wei ying sighed.
"I love worrying about you,caring you,everything related to you.Wei ying ,I love you.I can't live without you.So tell me everything even your pains your worries all of them."lan zhan kissed his palm.

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