Chapter 5 ~ Soul Evans

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Chapter 5

            Maka was seated in my car. As much as I loved driving her to school, I missed my motorcycle. And better yet, she would be right up against my back, holding me tightly. I shook my head. Stop it Soul. You’re just going to hurt yourself. You don’t need to daydream about things that will never happen. A bitter voice restrained me.

            “So, Soul.” She grasped my attention with her voice. She was bouncing up and down in the leather seats. “What do you want to do when we get home? After homework of course.” The latter was said like it was obvious. Did she actually do homework? Homework was clearly over rated.

            I gave her a weak smile. “Sorry, Maka. I told Black*Star I would shoot hoops with him after school.” Her excitement faded as she looked outside her window at the moving trees. Guilt pang through my heart and I quickly came up with a response to get her back into her excited self. “You could join us, if you’d like.”

            She shook her head, pigtails flying. “I’m not in the least athletic. In fact, I don’t even think I know the rules. I’d make a complete fool out of myself.” She placed her delicate head on her hand.

            “Oh.” I couldn’t bring myself to say anything else. I knew how to read body language. The fact that she was practically forcing her head out the window was a sign that she didn’t want to talk to me.

            When we arrived at the house, I dropped her off. I got out of the car and rushed over to her side so I could open the door for her. “See you tomorrow morning, M.”


            “Maka’s such a mouthful.”


            “M also stands for mesmerizing. And you absolutely mesmerizing..”

            “Whatever, S.”

            “Totally not the same.”

            “It stands for stupid. Because you’re impeccably stupid.”

            “Still not the same.”

            “Go home loser.”

            “Oh really? I was hoping I could stay the night.”

            That shut her smart mouth right up. Her cheeks were quickly tainted. “S-Stay the night? Why?” She was out of the car, her bag over her shoulder. She stood on the sidewalk facing me with wide eyes.

            I strode over to the other side of the car safely. “Because you’re my personal chef.” And with that I slipped inside and drove away before I could be hit with a book.


            “So you like her?” Black*Star asked me as he snatched the ball from my reach. “But she’s your target!” Black*Star already knew my secret. In fact, we’re usually partners in crime during this kind of stuff. Except this time, I wanted my own job. I wanted to see if I could do it. If I had the balls to kill an innocent girl.

            I tried to block him from shooting, unsuccessfully. “I don’t like her. I’m too cool to like a flat-chested girl like that.” I waited for the rebound to bounce before I grabbed the ball and dribbled across the court. I made a layup.

            He put his hands on his hips as he waited for the ball to drop. “Yeah right. That’s totally why you spent lunch with her in the lab.” He took the ball back. His baggy pants swayed in the wind as he attempted to return to his side of the court. “I bet you were fucking her.” His legs darted across. “Nice, long, and hard.”

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